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The silence between them was the good kind. The kind that didn't feel awkward, but comfortable.

They had known each other too long and been through too much for them to have escaped each others thoughts. The ability that they had to read each other's minds never escaped the notice of the ones they loved.

After the mines, after the promises they had shared with each other, after he gained his freedom, they had become inseparable. It was impossible to find one without the other. The gang accepted it and treasured watching their life and their family grow.

Over the years, the two had become one in every possible way.

They were older now and the adventures came less often, but the moments of their lives were never independent of the other. Jake never missed the dangerous times, but she did. She wanted endless adventures and stories and death defying escapes. He wanted the family safe. He simply wanted the love and peace and joy that came from being surrounded by people that loved them back.

Sitting on their porch swing in the early fall air, waiting for the kids to come for the weekend, he wrapped a blanket around her and nuzzled in her neck. The two began to think about the amazing life that they had shared, a life full of family and friends, of support and love.

Jehaly, her daughter, had been born on a day like today. The autumn wind had begun to chill the air and the leaves whipped through the air as Jake had sped to the hospital. They were both so nervous to be parents and didn't know how they would be as their own childhoods were not exactly the most functional. All of their fears left the moment they looked at her beautiful face. They knew they would do whatever it would take to keep her safe and happy. J had jet black hair like his and beautiful green eyes like hers. The perfect blend of the two of them. They had never felt so complete.

It was just two years later when their son, Danny, was born. They thought he was the most handsome baby to ever be born. His blue eyes reflected his fathers and MC was forever at danger of giving in to his every desire. He completed their family in every possible way. He was the sweetest of babies and rounded out the feistiness of his sister.

She had tried to raise her daughter to be brave and wise and she tried to raise her son to be both strong and kind. He tried to teach them both to treasure the ones they love and to embrace all of the quiet moments that they can gather.

They were far from perfect, as all parents are, but they had given their children lives of love and happiness. They had taught them to survive and to be fearless in love, they had shown them that family had nothing to do with blood and everything to so with support and love and commitment.

They were there together in mind and spirit as little J cried because a boy had broken her seventh grade heart. They reminded her, as they held her hands and remembered their own broken hearts, that love was a risk, but whatever moments of true love that one could pull out of life, made all of the risk worth it.

They listened as Danny talked about his best friend making fun of little Jimmy and also how he didn't feel bad for punching him in the face. They discussed alternatives to violence and reminded him that it was never ok to hit someone, but were secretly proud that he stood up for someone that couldn't stand up for himself.

They watched as J packed her things for college, having no idea what the world held for her. They felt her fear and excitement and carried those feelings right along with her. As she stressed over finals and friends, they listened and sympathized and were proud of he life that they were able to give her. When she graduated, he cried and she beamed with pride.

They watched as Dan started a military career, using all of the skills that his father had taught him and embodying all of the fearlessness of his mother. They watched with pride as he continued to defend the underdog and were amazed at his moral code that put them to shame.

They listened to the man who asked Jake for his daughter's hand in marriage. They decided that no one would ever be good enough for J, but these two made each other better people. They welcomed him into the family. MC cried when Jake walked J down the aisle, knowing that their home was no longer hers, but so grateful that she could see the love in her daughter's eyes that mirrored the love that she shared with Jake.

They cried when they held Dan's baby in their arms and cried even harder when they held his daughter a couple of years later. They cried the hardest when his third baby had not made it, but they were there to hold Dan's hand and they were there to help him pick up the pieces. They were there to watch as he grew into a better husband and a better father. Though they admired him before, they were blown away by who he became after tragedy.

They were proud of their kids in every way. They were proud of their lives and the choices they had made. They were proud of the people they were and the ones who they have yet to be.

They also were proud of the friendships that turned into family, the ones that had maintained over the years. Jessy had met a lovely man from Paris and married him years ago, but her daily chats with MC made them feel close even though they wished they could have girls nights and normal everyday activities. Phil still owned the bar. He and Jake had gotten over their jealousy and became quite good friends which pleased MC. Dan and Lily had four kids that often stayed over at Aunt Emcee's house. Dan and Lily were happy and loyal to everyone in their world. They were fiercely loyal to a Jake and MC, Jake and MC loved Dan and Lily fiercely as well. They also loved Hannah and wanted nothing but the best for her. It took her years to get over the kidnapping and when she did, she realized that Thomas wasn't the one for her. He met a nice girl and moved on to a quiet life in the states. Hannah and Cleo had a place together, neither have married saying they are too busy for a relationship anyway. The two opened a bakery and are happy in their busy lives. Over the years, they had many auntie dates with the kids. Every Thanksgiving was shared amongst all the friends and Every Christmas meant video chats while opening presents in matching pajamas with all of the family stretched across the globe.

They had said nothing while sitting on the porch wrapped on each others arms, but knew that they were thinking of their happy, blissful life. He sat with her in his lap, her head leaning on his shoulder, his hand rubbing her back trying to keep her warm, they realized that a perfect life is unattainable, but they had come as close as it gets to accomplishing that goal.

For all of the years of struggle and heartache, for all of the times of loneliness and tragedy that had marred the early part of their lives, they had created a life that was more than they could have ever dreamed of. Their two lives had created one beautiful shared experience, one that few people ever knew.

As he held her in his arms, he pulled her chin to look into his, her green eyes still as mesmerizing as they were thirty years ago. He felt all of her love and knew all of her soul. He returned that love with his sapphire eyes. She smiled the softest of smiles and he grinned back, lowered his voice and whispered, "For all of the days we have shared and all of the ones that we will continue to share, I know that every ounce of happiness that I have felt, any warm night I have had, any moment of peace, has been because of your presence in my life."

He gently reached for the back of her head and kissed her deeply, their tongues explored the familiar territory, his hand moved to her back. She leaned back giving him a little more room. He picked her up and began to carry her to the bedroom. Without a word, she wrapped her arm around his neck and began to kiss him there, in that sensitive spot, as they walk into the bedroom.

As the door closes behind them, his hands slid up her skirt and hers are pulled at the waist of his pants. They have forgotten that the kids could arrive any minute.

MC's laughter could be heard through the hall as their children enter the house. It is a scene that J and Danny are all too familiar with. "Pops and Nan will be out here in a minute," Danny says to his two littles. "Why don't you go outside and play on the new swing set?" They are happy to do as they are told.

J looks at her brother and smiles, "Some things never change," but as she said the words, she realized she likes things just the way they are.

Danny smiles, " I hope we are just as lucky," he chuckles at his sister as they follow the kids outside. 

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