Chapter Twelve: Confusion and Lies

Start from the beginning

Izuku dropped the book he'd picked up. "What?!"

Keigo handed him the phone. Turned out, that entire conversation had been recorded. And it went viral.

"The world knows you're Quirkless. Viridian the Quirkless Vigilante." Keigo chuckled.

"H-how is this funny?" Izuku stared at his friend in disbelief. "I mean, now that they know—"

"They'll underestimate you." Keigo finished, making Izuku pause. "They'll underestimate you since nobody's really seen how well you can fight. They'll think you're just really good at staying hidden. You're the most elusive vigilante, not the most combative. The villains will get complacent. Maybe the League will even reach out an offer to you, believing you to be closer to them than a hero."

"Don't you dare." Aizawa glared at the screen. 

Izuku mulled over his friend's words. "If the League of Villains comes to me..."

Aizawa glared at Midoriya, daring him to agree with his other self. 

"Then you can kill Shigaraki." Keigo nodded. "But you'd damn well better have me on standby for backup if shit goes south, you hear me?"

Aizawa seemed to agree at that part. Backup is good for things like that. 

"Promise." Izuku grinned.


Izuku sighed as he walked down the street. He was staying at Keigo's for the moment, but the hero had some other shit to do—like work. Unfortunately, he was just as bad at adulting as Izuku was, so his fridge was practically empty, sans some ten-day-old chicken. Izuku was not going to touch that.

"Yeah. Just cook Hawks instead." Mina joked. 

"ExCuSe Me?" 

"You're excused." Aizawa smirked at Hawks screech. 

So here he was grocery shopping with the money Keigo left him for this express purpose. He decided to swing by the mall for once, just to browse.

He was looking over some interesting books on coding when a massive explosion shook the building. People started screaming, and Izuku quickly found a bathroom to change into his Viridian outfit. (Call him paranoid, but he carried it everywhere with him specifically for circumstances like this).

"Just like Shouta." Present Mic shook his head once more. 

He climbed up into the air shaft, ignoring the way his healing injuries protested. He was fine. It was just some broken ribs and a concussion. And a partially disintegrated shoulder.

Whatever, point being, he was fine, and he sure as hell wasn't going to sit by while the mall was attacked. He eyed the situation from the shaft he hid in.

Three visible villains. All male, wait... he knew these guys. They had a criminal record. They were called the Crystal Thieves, because of the barrier Quirk of the youngest brother.

"Weren't they arrested a while back?" 

"I think they were." 

He could create a near-impenetrable barrier around a relatively small area. It wouldn't cover the whole mall, but it'd cover enough to trap a good number of people. Nobody in or out without his permission. Drawbacks included unable to move while active, and unable to lose concentration, lest the whole barrier come tumbling down.

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