The 2 Different Kinds Of Kingdoms (1)

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Long Long Time Ago There's Two Different Lands That Is the darkness And The light every generations And Generations in kingdoms Prince, Princesses,Kings and queens, the name of the 2 little prince's is name Macaque and sun wukong they're very bestest friends after years and years they're still best friends but one day they're parents let them seperated because Between darkness and light different kinds of worlds can't be together bc they're too different , Every Generations Are Always Will Be Enemies, The Darkness are Evil And The Light Is Peace After Years And Years they didn't see each other in years when they're parents died they became new rulers on they're own kingdoms even they're to young but still needs a new rulers, they became enemies and war are always there and never stops every single year

Wukong met a Little kid named mk and they became a teacher (mentor)and a  student (successor) after years the story will began

Mk Was delivery noodles every day he remembered his going to train with wukong later when his done delivered noodles "Hey Mk Here's One Last Noodles And You Off To Go To The Palace! " pigsy shouted "Okay!! " mk grabbed the noodles and go outside and accidentally bumped into someone " Ouch! I'm Sorry!! " mk shouted to apologize , the person he bumped into is redson " Be careful next time idiot! " redson shouted to mk " it was an accident I swear! Let me help you up! " mk helped redson to get up " next time watch where you were going " redson angrily stared at mk "Again I'm Sorry I was on a hurry! Okay bye! "

mk go back delivery noodles and when his done his going to Wukong Palace and saw wukong " Hi Monkie King! " wukong look around and noticed mk " Oh Heya bud! " mk run towards to wukong and noticed wukong is talking to someone " Hey Monkie kid who's ya talking to? " mk asked " Ohh It's My Friend PIF! And she's with his son-" mk and redson saw each other and shouted " YOU!? WHY YOU HERE!? " they both asked "Woah Woah Did you two know each other? " PIF Asked " Mother his the one bumped into earlier in the shop! " redson told his mother "Ohhh that's Sun Wukong Student Mk" PIF said "WHAT!? HOW IS HE HIS STUDENT IF HIS JUST A PEASANT NORMAL PERSON!? " redson shouted and pointed at mk " HEY I'M NOT JUST A NORMAL PERSON!! I WILL BE A HERO SOMEDAY!!! " mk shouted and two of them started arguing and Wukong stopped them from fighting " Hey kids why Dont you get along? Hey bud I have an assignment for you! " Wukong told mk and mk said " What is it!!! " " You and prince redson will get along ✨ " wukong dragged PIF And Leave The Two Of Them

" WHAT!?!? " redson and mk being surprised " I guess we will just get along " Redson said then look away and being angry bad mood and mk thinking what to do and he hold redson hand and run and redson is confused and shouted " HEY WHERE ARE WE GOING!? " " Somewhere peaceful! " and they finally Mk bought redson to the other side of the kingdom that is beautiful forest and redson was surprised " Wow This Is place is beautiful " " I know right? I always come here all the time! " mk smiled at redson and redson saw mk smile and blushed and look away " Uhh? Are you okay? " mk asked " Yes I'm Fine! " redson hair Is on Fire " Woah! Your hair looks cool! Can I touch it! " mk is about to touch redson Hair But Redson Stopped Mk From Touching

" No! you Can't Touch it!! you'll Burn Up!!! " Redson shouted at mk " then how did you hair is on fire and you never burn? " mk asked " Bc It's Normal to me not to you ofc " redson crossed his hands

After 5 minutes later they here a noises and they try to find out what it is and they saw a shadow moving , redson and mk getting ready to attacked " whoever you are, your no match for us! " mk said then The Shadow Attacked Them Both In They Got Hitted In back of the wall " Ouch My Back! " redson feels in pain on the back, mk started to get worried about redson "Hey Redson don't worry I'll get you to Monkie king or someone that can help you!" Mk being so worried he didn't realize someone is behind him " Noodle boy behind you!!" Redson shouted and the shadow grabbed mk the shadow is known as.......


Wukong appeared and finally arrived " Heh I Think Your late " macaque said to wukong " Let My Student Go You Evil Monster!! " wukong shouted and attacked macaque but macaque dodged it " You do realize I'm holding the kid right? Once you attacked me the kid gets it" macaque choke mk " I'll do anything just let the kid go!! " wukong begged to macaque " You'll do anything? For a kid? " Macaque asked " Yes! Just let him go! " "hhmmm how about you left your kingdom and come with me in my kingdom and I'll let the kid go" wukong shocked but he has no choice but come with macaque and macaque let go of mk and grabbed wukong and fell in the portal

" Monkie king don't leave! " mk shouted but the portal closed "h-his... Gone.... " mk started to cry And PIF Appeared " what happened here!? " PIF shouted in confusion " his gone.... " mk keeps crying " who's gone!? " " Monkie king... someone Took him...."

k said in a sad tone and PIF Surprised Shocked " let's get you kids Inside I'll find some help " PIF immediately bring the kids inside and told the maids to help them

Meanwhile with the 2 monkies

Macaque bring wukong in a beautiful fluffy room " what's this? " wukong asked " this will be your room after all your a guest and your staying here forever and there's no escape here" macaque locked the doors so wukong can't escape and wukong lay do on the bed and cry because he missed Mk his student he cry in hours he fell asleep

This is the end of the chapter what do you think happens next? See you on other chapters good bye have a good day!

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