"I'm glad Elise is taking care of you guys" same went for Raon, Kemono, and Keum. Suho takes great care of them when I'm not home because of a lot of things these days. Then my thoughts drifted to what I witnessed back at the construction site. Jiwoo, Wooin, Kayden, and the Klein brothers. From what I remember in the Manwha, Jiyoung arrived at the scene with Jisuk. The trio are admitted to the hospital after some questioning from Shinwha to which all day they had no help at all. Then Jiyoung suspects Kayden Break helped Jiwoo, Wooin, and Jisuk after disabling the Klein brothers and rendering them useless. The union offers Wooin to join them and so on. Right, being an unaffiliated awakened one isn't usually a good thing in the awakened world.

Subin Lee should be making an appearance soon as well. I closed my eyes, deciding to let the story take its course and I, a normal human being who isn't awakened, go to school and worry about my grades instead. Yeah, that's the best thing to do right now.

At least, that's what I was supposed to do...



The training Jeongho considers easy, was in fact very exhausting and hard. My body aches all over. My head is pounding from headaches. Everything basically hurts. But I'm constantly training every single night for the sake of protecting my family from future dangers. So I endure.

"Spread it all over your body!"
"Don't relax now! You'll be dead if you do that in a real fight!"
"Try to break through my barrier! It's my weakest version! You have until three months to break it! If you don't, your training will be 2 times harder!!"
"Breath! Don't start making a habit of holding your breath while spreading your ability all throughout your body!"

We're the many things he's said to me over the course of the three months he gave me. Instructions of how to move my abilities while throwing a punch, kick, etc. luckily, I've already taken classes on martial arts, mainly Taekwondo but Jeongho said it isn't enough. So I've also been learning other martial arts: Judo, boxing, karate, Brazilian Jiu-jutsu, aikido, etc. Jeongho told me he'd teach me his own martial arts once I'm able to learn the basics of all these other ones. My training goes: one day for body strengthening, another day solely to learn Judo, another for Boxing, the next for Karate. Basically I have to learn one martial art a day while building up this thing he calls, force control, that he taught me as soon as I accepted his offer of learning under him.

Because he's said I can't laze off at all as time is of the essence, I've become accustomed to training with Sehyun. We spar at any given moment. At the same time, I'm training him in the martial arts Jeongho is teaching me, just in case. He says Sehyun isn't an awakened one but, I can always do this just to be sure. This, and teach him the force control Jeongho also passed to me. Only after I get a better grasp of it.

"How did you know you were an awakened one?" I asked one day, as we were eating the cooking I made. Jeongho paused, the food slowly falling back down onto his plate as his eyes grew distant. He took a deep breath, looking straight at me. "Actually. There once was a time when there were many awakened ones. Good or bad, power hungry or just want to live. All types of abilities besides our electrical attribute" he spoke of this world before. As if that world no longer existed anymore. Of other awakened ones who were born into these places called organizations or powerfully users who sat above everyone else in this world ranking. Top 10 he called it. The one thing he did mention about the Top 10 was his brother. His brother sat atop the top 10. And he, above it.

"Then, does that mean the awakened world no longer exists?" Once that question had escaped my lips, Jeongho nodded his head. "I'm the last awakened one to exist here. But with you, I'm no longer alone" he smiled. A smile our mother desperately wanted to see again. "What about those bad people who are after our family? Aren't they awakened ones as well?" Father nodded his head as well, also agreeing with that question. "They are. But they are different from you. I'm different from you, Eunwoo. Technically, You're the original Awakened one here. Me and those intruders are imposters of this world" I never understood those words. Original awakened one from "here". They're "imposters of this world". Jeongho just sounded crazy at this point.

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