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kit's POV

joe and i sit on the couch together in my apartment. in front of us is my TV that's about to play lee's interview.

i'll be honest, i'm a bit nervous. i know lee is smart and won't do anything wrong. i trust her. but i don't trust the person who's going to interview her. what if they ask a question where no matter what, she says something wrong? what then?

"calm down." joe tells me. "it'll be fine. lee has had tons of interviews."

i sigh, "yeah. i know."

before joe can say anything else, the commercial stops and the intro music for the interview begins to play. i instantly feel my body tense. joe seems a bit nervous too, despite perviously trying to calm me down.

the camera zooms in on lee and she smiles at the audience, giving a little wave.

lee is sitting on a large black couch with the interviewer sitting on what looks like the same couch across from her. in between them is a small, wooden coffee table. and behind the two is a large TV.

"i'm james bannks." the interviewer says once the camera moves away from lee and goes over to james instead. james is a middle-aged man with dark brown hair and equally as dark eyes. he's wearing a light colored suit, though. "today, i'm here with the eileen stone."

"oh, please. you can just call me lee. no need for such formalities."

"well, lee." james says, crossing one leg over the other. "let's not waste any more time and let's just get right into what everyone's here for -- the questions."

"go ahead." lee says. i don't know how she does this. she can pretend so well to be unbothered by everything around her. but i know she's freaking out by the way she's subtly fiddling with her hands.

"i asked he audience to give me their top five questions." james says, clicking a button on the TV remote.

the TV turns on and reveals a list numbered 1-5. but the questions are all scribbled out.

"i'll ask you each question, starting with number 5." james announces, pressing another button on that same remote. the camera zooms in to the TV screen. the bottom question is no longer hidden. "question 10 is : what got you into music?"

okay. good. that question isnt about our relationship. i'm sure the top few are, though.

"ever since i was a child, i loved to sing and dance. it has always been something that i would do in my free time. so, when i was fifteen, i started posting videos of myself singing on the internet and i quickly got a large following." lee explains.

"it's no surprise that people enjoy listening to your music. your voice is beautiful." james says with a smile.

"thank you."

"alright," james says, pressing the button again making the TV show the next question. "number 4 : who is your closest friend right now?"

"i'm really good friends with the entire heartstopper cast." lee says. "but my closest friend? that's a hard choice. but i've gotta say it's a tie between joe locke and kit connor."

"interesting." james leans forward, getting closer to lee. "haven't you been friends with joe for years? but you've only known kit for a few months?"

oh no. i can tell where this is going.

"yes." lee says, not showing an ounce of nervousness. but if that were me, i'd be losing my shit. on live television. "i've known joe for about ten years. and i've known kit for almost six months, i think. but how long i've known them has nothing to do with how much i trust them."

"how can you trust the two boys equally if you've known joe for so much longer?" james says, clearly trying to get lee to slip up somehow and say something wrong. to reveal something about her and i.

but it doesnt work. lee is smarter than him.

"i base my friendships around trust and loyalty." lee says. and i can tell she's starting to get annoyed with james's questions. "and they have both proven to be very trustworthy and loyal friends."

the sharpness of her voice makes james sit back on the couch. "well then. let's move on to the next question." james states.

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