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kit grabs me by the waist and pulls my body against his. for a split second, i feel afraid. i don't really know why. maybe because the last person i kissed was nolan. or maybe before i'm scared of ruining my relationship with kit.

before i can figure out why i'm so hesitant, his lips meet mine. and suddenly — i don't feel afraid. i don't feel afraid of anything. all i truly feel is desperation. the need for kit's affection.

my hand reaches to the back of his head, my fingers tangling in his hair.

kit then pulls back, separating the kiss. his breathing is heavy and uneven. even though we're no longer kissing, his hands are still holding my waist and one of mine is still in his hair.

"i'm sorr-"

i interrupt him by grabbing the collar of his shirt with my free hand and kissing him again. this kiss isn't as quick as the last. this one is sloppy and passionate. we show each other everything we can't put into words.

the only thing on my mind is kit. how warm his body is against me. how soft his lips are as they move in synch with mine. how his hands don't dare to move away from my waist.

"this is the final call for flight 562A." a man's voice says over the intercom, his words echoing throughout the airport. "please proceed to gate 4 to board the plane. i repeat, this is the final call for flight 562A."

shit. that's my flight.

i give kit one last peck on the lips, grab my bag and leave. i do it all as quickly as possible to avoid getting sad again. i don't exactly feel like crying.

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"what the hell took you so long?" miss manson shouts, as i take my seat beside her. "you told me you and your friends would hurry. you promised that you wouldn't be late!"

since i'm a literal celebrity, miss manson and i get to sit in the first-class section of the plane. i've been in first class many times before but i still can't get over how much nicer it is compared to a normal flight.

the seats are nicer. there's large TVs on the walls of my sectioned-off room. there's a bed that i can lie down on. and my favorite part — the flight attendants serve alcohol.

"actually, we did hurry." i reply, defending myself to the best of my abilities. "believe it or not, we got there right on time."

"then why were you the last to get on the plane?"

i can't tell her about kit. i haven't talked to him about whether or not he wants us to be publicly together just yet. my guess is that he doesn't. so i won't tell anybody until i'm told otherwise.

"joe wanted to go to the gift shop." i say, which technically isn't a lie. "and he wanted me to go with him." now that last part is a lie.

"oh, okay."

miss manson has met joe many, many times. she loves him. the two of them are basically best friends at this point. and im totally not jealous that joe is closer with her than me. even though im the one she sees every day. it's whatever.

since they're such good friends, i knew for a fact that she would be much more likely to forgive his mistakes than mine.

my phone dings with the sound of a new message. i reach into my back pocket and grab my phone before i check my notifications.

hoe: what the hell did you do to kit?

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𝑺𝑳𝑼𝑴𝑩𝑬𝑹 - 𝐤𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐫  { ✓ }Where stories live. Discover now