Misty x Pikachu

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Oh my gosh, Pikachu and Misty! What a dreamy and adorable couple they would make! They have been best friends since the very beginning and it's clear that they have a special connection. They have so much in common and have been through so much together. They have been a team since they first met and they are the perfect match!

Misty has been an incredible friend and support system for Pikachu. She has always been there to cheer him on and encourage him to do his best. She understands him and knows how to make him laugh and she is always there for him when he needs her. Pikachu loves her for that and it's obvious that he loves her back.

Plus, Misty and Pikachu share a lot of the same interests. They both love exploring and going on exciting adventures. They both enjoy competing in Pokémon battles and they both have a competitive spirit. Together, they make a great team and they always have each other's backs.

Not to mention, Misty is always there to make sure Pikachu is taken care of. She often worries about him and she is always looking out for him. She's always there to lend a helping hand and to give him a hug when he needs it. She is a great friend and she would make a great girlfriend for Pikachu.

All in all, Misty and Pikachu are the perfect match. They are both kind and loyal and they have been through so much together. They understand each other and they always have each other's back. It's clear that they have strong feelings for each other and it's definitely time for them to take the next step and get into a romantic relationship. 

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