Chapter 1

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Kalen Davis

A sweet smell filled the air of the small café, which filtered out into the bustling street each time the door was pulled open by another hungry customer.

Monday mornings were busy at Sweet Miracle Café, seeing as the city was filled with businesspeople hustling to and from work. They were needing a "pick me up" after a relaxing weekend. The open sign was flipped on a moment ago and already the line was beginning to trickle out the door.

I had opened the café only a couple of weeks ago, but it seemed to be the talk of town considering how many customers stepped into the store each day. If I had known this location would be such a magnet for customers, I would have hired a pair of extra hands to help control the crowd and push out orders. Instead, it was only me crafting the drinks and food while Sarah, a young girl who just started college, manned the register for me.

I had taken a leap of faith when opening the café. I was completely inexperienced at running a business. I've hesitated with every single decision I've had to make so far. And yet, I had fallen in love with creating powerful new flavors and the expression on people's faces when they tried them. First, they start out hesitant, but then slowly, as the tastes flutter across their tongues you can watch them fall in love. 

Even with my own hesitations, I was falling in love too. I was falling in love with the creativity, the atmosphere, and the people.

My people.

I could call them that now, right? I mean, a good majority of the customers were regulars now. If you could call them that, seeing as we haven't been open for a full month yet. 

Genuinely, though, serving my customers is what wakes me up in the morning. The grumpy, tired zombies who walked in the door left bright-eyed and smiling around a mouth full of delicious food. Something made possible because of my creations and skills.

As I was lost in thought, completing order after order, a good chunk of time passed and eventually I noticed the line had dwindled to the end. Sarah, the young girl taking orders at the counter, was finishing with the last customer. She left behind the counter to clean up the tables before the next wave of customers arrived, just as she had been trained.

I completed the last drink order, a cappuccino with a detailed flower worked over the surface in milk for an added flair. The customer approached the counter to retrieve their drink just as the front door opened. A burst of cold air dragged through the door, along with a straggling customer.

I thanked the woman as she retreated, and since Sarah was still busy clearing tables I turned to the register to greet the newest customer. Only as he came into view, I wasn't exactly capable of doing that. 

His crystal clear blue eyes met with my deep brown ones and what breath I was using to breathe was suddenly gone. The words were stuck in my throat, my tongue had grown heavy. Even with the cold air that snuck into the cafe alongside the man, I could feel a new heat rising through my body. Only this heat was nowhere near close to competing with how good-looking the man was.

He was hot.

So much so, that my brain completely shut down. Heat stroke maybe? In the middle of January? It seemed logical enough.

 With my brain on the fritz, it couldn't be helped when a meek, "", slipped past my lips.

Standing in front of me, the man raised an eyebrow, a shadow of a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. "Excuse me? I didn't catch that?" his deep voice cut through my momentary trance.

The heat surrounding me only intensified as a deep blush spread across my cheeks, creeping up my neck. I shook my head harshly, dropping my eyes to the register so I could think straight. I wouldn't be able to hold a functioning conversation with this man when he kept looking at me like that. 

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