“I’m kind of using your birthday to celebrate mine since no one was old enough to go out for mine and besides I had to that whole shifting at midnight thing.” He said and laughed. I had totally forgotten about his shifting, I had been there for him in the beginning of his shift until he finished and ran off into the woods. I had waited for him to return but after an hour without him returning I decided to go home. He showed up scratching at my bedroom door the next morning and I had my dad walk him through shifting back. He knew he should have gone home but said he felt bad for just leaving me in the woods and needed to come and check on me. He never talked about what shifting was like and I think he didn’t want to scare me and Aria but I already knew it was painful. I couldn’t wait to shift though, I just needed to meet my mate. Within a week after meeting your mate a female wolf shifted and your mate was there to help you through the shift. Well unless your like my mother and you get knocked up at 17 and have to wake until your body recovers from having a baby and then it happens.

    We entered the restaurant and Gage gave his name and then the hostess gladly showed up to a nice table in the back. We all looked over our menus and ordered our food when the waitress came over. I laughed when the waitress openly flirted with Gage which just made him blush even more but I didn’t care it was funny to watch him squirm in his seat. Even though Gage was extremely handsome and he came from a good family he had never been good around girls, well besides having them as friends. Aria and I always teased him about how innocent he was but he claimed he was waiting for his mate and that’s the only girl who really mattered.

    After dinner we went back to the hotel and started getting ready for tonight. We were going to go to three different clubs that were owned and mostly visited by supernatural’s. Gage just went and took and nap before his shower but Aria and I had to make sure we looked hot. So we both showered and then proceeded to perfect our faces with our new makeup. After we finished our makeup we did our hair, I curled mine so it fell in loose wavy curls down my back and Aria straightened hers and gave it some volume. After we looked amazing we went to the bags of clothes that were in our rooms and started rummaging through the bags to try and find a dress for tonight. I decided on a really tight red one shoulder mini dress that made me look amazing if I do say so myself. It made my dark brown hair with my natural red highlights stand out and it made me feel super sexy which was not a feeling I think I had ever felt before. Aria decided on the cobalt blue short dress with spaghetti straps and she looked stunning. We both slipped on some black heels and made some final touches on our makeup and then went out into the living room to wait for Gage to wake up and shower. We had only been waiting about 25 minutes when he walked out in a black button down and dark jeans. He looked good and he smiled when he saw us and asked if we were ready to go.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I answered and both he and Aria laughed and then we all headed out of the room to the elevator. We headed down to the car and dove about four miles farther into the city. He said we were going to keep our clubbing to the supernatural clubs and probably mostly shifter since they were a little less weird and still let humans in. We parked the car in a parking garage and then walked down the street until we came to a stunning club with music so loud I could feel my body vibrating and I was still outside. The club was called “The Shift” which seemed a little strange to me but I guess werewolves liked to be cheesy when it came to their club names. The building looked like it used to be an old apartment building turned into a massive club, the windows were tinted so all you could see was lights flashing through them but no people. I started walking towards the line looking for the end when Gage grabbed my arm to stop me.

“Where are you going?” Gage asked and I gave him a look of confusion since I thought this was the club we were going to.

“To get in line.” I answered giving him my best “duh” tone.

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