002 - life and death

Start from the beginning

    "No!" Bran protested, shielding the poor dog.

Aloy suddenly had her knife pointed near Theon. Her brows furrowed and eyes narrowed. Theon stopped in his tracks, balancing on his heels to avoid getting his hand chopped off.

"Put your hand down before I cut it off."

"Or what? You think you can actually hurt me?"

"Anyone could kill you with ease."

"Put away your blades." Robb ordered, having enough of his half sister and ward squabbling.

"I take orders from your father, not you." Theon hissed, never taking his eyes away from Aloy and her knife.

"Please father!" Bran yelled, still clutching the wolf pup protectively to his chest.

"I'm sorry, Bran." Eddard shook his head, beginning to walk away.

Aloy's heart was now pumping three times faster than the normal amount. It was filled with rage, how careless her father could be to his son's wishes. Bran already saw the murder of a boy, he certainly couldn't handle another event like that.
Aloy looked to Jon who was silent since handing Bran the pup. Her eyes widened and her arm growing tired from holding her knife to Theon's neck. She urged her brother on to do something. Ser Rodrik was now storming down, heading towards the little lord.

"Lord Stark?" Jon called, grabbing Eddard's attention and stopping Ser Rodrik. He held his hand down towards the four pups still trying to nurse. "There are five pups. One for each of the Stark children. The dire wolf is the sigil of your house. They were meant to have them."

Aloy gave a small grateful nod. Jon's eyes flickered for a moment over to her before back up to Eddard.
All of the eyes were on him, waiting hand and foot for his order. Eddard analyzed each of their faces, landing finally on the soft eyes of his son.

"You will train them yourselves. You will feed them yourselves. And if they die," Eddard turned a shoulder towards the bridge. "You will bury them yourselves."

Eddard walked up the hill, Ser Rodrik following with a final glare to Aloy. Robb nodded formally to Aloy and Jon, trailing back up by himself.
Theon huffed, putting his dagger away. Aloy had the confidence to put away hers. Theon walked past her, scooping up three pups into his arms. It was Bran, Jon, and Aloy left.

Bran spoke appreciatively, "Thank you."

"Name her well." Aloy smiled.

Bran's smiled faded, glancing at the ground before back up. "What about you two?"

Aloy cleared her throat uncomfortably, bending down to pick up the last whimpering pup. Jon adverted his eyes for a millisecond before responding, "We aren't Starks. Get on."

Aloy pressed an awkward grin onto her lips, handing the last pup to Bran. Jon followed Bran after a minute, joined by Aloy.

"We are Starks, you know?" She said.

"Not to everyone else." Jon practically muttered.

Loud howling was heard from beside them. It caught the attention of everyone in the travelling party as they turned their heads to the noise.

"What is it?" Robb questioned to no answers.

Jon cleared out some brush from under a tree stump, throwing away stray twigs into the river. He reached his hand in, suddenly pulling it away, clutching it.

"There's another one in there." He said, shaking the light blood off of his fingers.

Aloy jumped down from the edge she was standing on, looking into the small hole where the pup was hiding. She spotted a snow white pup with blood red eyes hiding behind a jet black pup with yellow eyes. It was growling, barking aggressively.
    Aloy slowly stuck her hand in, the pup dug their teeth into hand. She winced but slowly drug out the pup outside. Jon quickly ran in, not admitting to being afraid of the pup and digging out its counterpart.

    "The runts of the litter. Those ones are yours, Snows." Theon mocked, chuckling dearly to himself.

    Jon and Aloy exchanged looks of annoyance. Aloy winced once more as the wolf sunk its teeth further into her skin. Jon's pup was already resting in his arms.
    Aloy spent the rest of the trip home wrestling the pup into her saddlebag, bleeding from her legs and arms as she rode through the gates.


word count - 1,232

i wonder what i should call the wolf. i don't want it to be basic or something like shadow, i'm sure i'll think of something. i'm surprised Aloy hasn't fed Theon to her wolf. love you all <3

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playlist - aloy snow

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