006 - a needle in a haystack

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"you may be gone from my sight

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"you may be gone from my sight...but you are never gone from my heart." - unknown


    Aloy sat outside on the cold stone half wall, looking into the blacksmiths shack. Her hair down with some parts being in tight braids, pulled away from her face. Jon's eyes were narrowed as he ordered around the blacksmith kindly. The idea was simple, Arya was to be given a sword like their own. Aloy listened to the repeated beating of metal on metal till it ceased, signifying the gift was prepared. Jon smiled brightly, looking at the sword on the wooden table.
Aloy shuffled herself off the stone wall she sat on. She smiled with the thought of Arya holding a sword. It was needle-thin, sharp, with intricate designs on the handle of a dire wolf. It was the perfect weapon for Arya.

    "What do you think?" Jon asked, picking it up and swinging it carefully.

    "She will love it." Aloy said. "Could kill a thousand kings with that."

    Jon let out a chuckle. He handed the sword to Aloy who carried it like a feather before tucking it into her sheath along with her own sword. He thanked the blacksmith, heading in the direction of Arya's chambers.

    "Sword for the wall?" Someone suggested from behind them.

    Aloy turned to see Jaime Lannister. A lion in strapping leather tinted in gold. His hair was down, covering his forehead and a little part of his forest green eyes. He looked guilty, a certain guilt that only one can receive from a heinous action. It made Aloy's stomach churn uncomfortably with a sense of anger towards him.
She remembered the circling theory that Bran was pushed from the tower. Her eyes narrowing like a cats.

    "We already have swords." Jon answered, gesturing down to the massive weapons clinging onto their belts.

    Jaime looked to Aloy, containing a scoff by his slight red face. "Have you swung it yet?" He teased.

    "Obviously." Aloy said, her tone was a joke but her eyes still held that sickly feeling.

    "At someone?" He quizzed.

    "Of course." Aloy responded with Jon shaking his head. Being a woman solider, they wanted to test her with the multiple guards and knights around Winterfell. She defeated all of them in a weeks time. Jon's face fell, he was too scared to possibly kill another.

    Jaime approached, becoming dangerously close to the Snow siblings. Aloy looked up, her glare unbroken as his breath fanned her face. It took every bone in her body not to strike him square in the nose.

BLACK WOLF --- GoT [s1 - s4]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora