Chapter 8 | Once Upon a Swap - Part 2

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||DISCLAIMER: I do not own The Owl House and its characters! All of that belongs to Dana Terrace, her team, and Disney||

◈Freaky Friday


Published: ~May 14th, 2023~


◈King's Brush with Death

Soon after the body swap occurred, you, Eda, Luz, and King all went your separate ways. After a few minutes of being in his new body and King is already trying to go for his prey.

That of which was a green flag.

Of course, this was a different one from the other flag that was at Eda's stand. But now, the flag was taken away in a quick swipe by a childish King in a certain brunette's body. He roars with victory and slams the flag to the ground, stomping nearly afterward.

"Not so high and mighty anymore! I feel so alive! W-Whoa!"

King, instead, falls head-first into a trashcan behind him from celebrating too much. He tries to get out, turning the trashcan over. A water balloon drops beside him, where a large squid-like creature soon emerges.

"Oh no! Ahh!" King dodges as a means of not being swiped as payback. "The flag, it seeks revenge!"

King hears laughing and turns over to a nearby mountain and finds the source of all the water balloons. A red one was dropped and another squid grabs a civilian, who is no doubt scared for his confusing life right now.

"Help me! I'm a delicate man!"

"Teenagers." King muttered in curiosity.

King gets down on all fours and makes his way up the mountain. From there, he sniffs for the kids that threw the water balloons and rushes over to see two teens that were near a cliff. A green-skinned kid with multiple eyes and yellow sleeves for his track outfit. Skara, who was beside him, had red sleeves.

"Hey, take this, society!"

The Potions kid accidentally squeezes the water balloon above his head, wettening his clothes.

"Oh, no..."

A tentacle quickly scoops up the boy and raises him up in the air, making him scream like the man below. King eventually sneaks into the shack behind the kids and sniffs for anyone else. He then spots Boscha and the Oracle Kid, plus another teen named Amelia.

(A/N: I'm gonna start naming him O.K. because I'm too lazy to keep saying "Oracle Kid")

O.K. tries to exercise with his shoes, which allows him to float in the air, considering the wings on the side. However, he stops and takes a few heavy breaths.

"Ugh, just give up." Boscha groaned.

"I swear, I can do a sit-up! I'm just having a bad day." O.K. claimed.

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