Chapter 3

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Warning - this chapter may contain details about terrorism. Just know that I'm not making any insinuations and I'm just trying to create a story.

10th January 2258

"Rumi! It's good to see you again." My eyes look up to the animal sitting atop the desk.

"It's good to be back, Nezu. Lots of good memories around here." Unconsciously, my eyes drift along the walls, remembering the amount of times I was sent here after I lost Izuku. I shake my head lightly and focus back on task. "You said there was something important you wished to talk to me about. Is it about Alecto?" He squints his eyes slightly at the question.

"Yes and no. I believe it has to do with something he is... investigating." He motions for me to take a seat before he continues. "The USBs he has been leaving behind, I've managed to crack a small amount of it." I sit foreword in anticipation.

"What does it say, sir?"

"After all the time I've had, trying to decipher exactly what it means, I've only just been able to crack a couple sentences. 'They're hiding, in the shadows. Deeper than All for One ever was. Tread lightly.'" I tilt my head in confusion.

"What do you think it means?" He shrugs his shoulders and grabs a pen before writing something down.

"I have no idea." He hands over the piece of paper. I still watch him confused before looking down. 'I have an idea, but if this goes deeper than All for One, I can't speak here.' I nod my head and look back up to him.

"I see." I grab the pen and begin writing something down myself before handing it back to him. "Well keep having a crack at the decryption, I'm sure that now that some of it is done, you'll be able to do it much quicker now." He looks down to read as I talk and nods.

"Yes, I've now gotten rid of the Bar, blocking me." My eyes narrow before nodding. I understand. I take my leave, trying not to move any differently and soon find myself at the gate. I look down the road and near the end was a building, blocking the road from continuing. I let my feet take me down the road and soon enter the building.

A bar.

Nezu you sneaky rat. I let out a chuckle as I remember one of the times I was sent to his office. Izuku's death was still bothering me greatly, and Nezu picked up on it. He said to me.

"Izuku's death is blocking you from becoming something greater. I had a similar problem years back when I first built the school. When you exit the school and turn right, the road is blocked of by a bar. This stopped countless students from getting to my school easier and meant they were late quite a few times. So what I did was I made friends with the owner and he allowed me to let my students enter through the back, and go around the bar. What you need to do is connect with Izuku's memory, instead of letting it block you and it will let you move around it."

It was quite a story. One that he told me a number of times so that I would grow stronger as a person.

I take seat and within the hour, Nezu soon enters the bar and takes a seat. The bartender greets him as he hands over some drinks.

My head turns to look at him. He doesn't even look in my direction and silently shakes his head.

"Keep quiet, and don't look at me. I worry we can't trust anyone, not even our friends." I let out a sigh and keep looking forward, taking another sip of my drink.

"So what are you thinking?" My voice stays low as I speak.

"I'm thinking that the people Alecto is talking about, have been controlling society for hundred of years." My eyes widen but I make no movement to look at him. "I decrypted the message a couple months ago but said nothing since it intrigued me." I feel a small weight enter my pocket. "In this drive is everything that I believe was caused by them. This is not the usual criminal we deal with. This is the rich and famous using their fame and money to simply expand on what they own, killing people to keep they're secrets from escaping, owning the media to control what everyone sees. And all of it, they made it look like a mistake or blamed it on another country or group that threatened them."

Trust no one. (Sequel to 'What's next?')Where stories live. Discover now