Chapter 2

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December 31st 2257

"Mirko! You ready?" I lift my head up, moving my hair out the way as I do. I see Red Riot standing at the door ready to leave.

"You bet Red!" I do a quick jog to catch up with him and walk outside my agency. I look to see the sun close to the horizon, painting the sky as night time nears. "Come on, I want to be able to at least catch a glimpse of Alecto." I let out a grunt as I say his name.

A couple hours later, we're both sat on the edge of a building eating a small snack. As I take another bite, Red speaks out to me.

"Come on! There's got to be one guy that's caught you're interest?" His voice stays loud as he questions me.

"And I'm telling you, there's no one." He lets out a sigh. "I just haven't found anyone that... interests me?" Red lets out a small sigh as he pauses.

"It's about Izuku, isn't it?" I keep quiet, not even eating my food. "I understand you love him, we all did. Maybe not as much as you did." He lets out a small chuckle while I feel a smile infect my face. "But you gotta move on. It's been 8 years. He wouldn't want this for you, he would've wanted you to be happy. Even if that meant finding someone else." I let myself droop in place.

"I know you're right." I bring my spare hand up to cover my eyes. "It's just, after everything we went through, how could I just move on?" We sit in silence and finish our food. I hear Red rustle as he's about to say something but before he can, I hear something. Something distant, causing my ears to twitch.

"What do you hear?" I stand up straight.

"I'm not sure." I take a few steps in the direction. "Let's check it out." My few steps turn into a small sprint, Red Riot trying his hardest to follow behind me.

I reach an alleyway and peer down to see a group of men surrounding an elderly couple. I hear them both pleading to the group and without speaking to Red I jump down, slamming my foot into one of the thugs.

"Ganging up on an elderly couple, someone should teach you some manners." I feel a feral grin spread on my face. Before I can begin my attack, a noise draws my attention. At the end of the alley, countless more thugs come out from the shadows. I bring my arms up in a protective motion for the couple.

"Watch out!" I hear Red's panicked voice reach me and before I can react, a blinding pain erupts in my back.

I take a sharp breath in as I try and jump away from the group. I end up near the end of the alley, just a few meters away from the group. Red drops down next to me, trying to make sure I'm okay while The thug near the front lets out a laugh. I look behind him to see the elderly couple melting into different people. A shape shifting quirk?

"Haha! We were expecting a hero, but Mirko! And Red Riot! This is too good of an opportunity to pass up." His crazed smile sets me on edge even further as I feel my rabbit instincts yelling at me to run. I grip the handle sticking out my back and pull. Grunts escape my throat as I feel my glare harden.

I move into my stance, ignoring the pain in my back, and motion for Red to do the same. His concerned glance stays for mere moments before focusing on the group ahead of us. I take a deep breath, trying to slow my heart.

The muscles in my legs tense and with one big push, I spring towards the closest thug with Red following behind me.

Punch after punch, kick after kick. They kept getting back up after each hit. The wound on my back was starting to ache and my moves were getting sloppy. My vision was getting blurrier by the second and soon enough, I was hit. I flew through the air and slam into the wall. I hear Red shout to me as he tried to sprint to me but gets blocked by more thugs. One of the thugs approach me.

Trust no one. (Sequel to 'What's next?')Where stories live. Discover now