The Devil of The Shield

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Rimuru protected Melty from her would-be assassin

Rimuru: Now what's this about


Rimuru: . . . I don't have enough patience for this s***

Rimuru then trapped all the knights with Black Flames

Rimuru: It's time for some interrogation

The Knights remained silent even when Rimuru activated Lord's Ambition they still would not submit

Naofumi: They still won't submit is that possible

Rimuru: With a strong enough will it is but I know some people that can fix that

Naofumi: Really

Rimuru: Well not people exactly

Rimuru drew a summoning mark of the cardinal world's

Rimuru: My loyal subordinates hear your Master and Lord's call come to me now AND DO MY BIDDING

4 figures emerged from the circle each of them bowing the shortest of them had purple hair with a ponytail on the left of her head and glowing yellow eyes another had blonde hair that was short with glowing blue eyes the second tallest had long silver hair with blood red eyes the final one had black hair with a red and a gold streak in his hair with a mix of red and yellow eyes all had a terrifying aura even the party of the shield was shivering

Rimuru: Guys tone down your aura you're scaring my friends

Diablo: Forgive us lord Rimuru

The 4 lowered their auras

Rimuru: I've got a job for all of you that I know you'll do just well

Diablo: Your faith in us inspires us Lord Rimuru

Raphtalia: Master Rimuru are these those Black Numbers you told us about in your stories

Rimuru: The ones and only meet Ultima the Pain Lord Menace Lord Carrera Testarossa the Killer Lord and my strongest subordinate Magic Lord Diablo

Naofumi: So these are some of those 12 Patrons of yours

Diablo: Correct we are our Master's loyal servants and as his allies, we are happy to serve you as well

Rimuru: I've got a nice job for all of you, see those knights

The knights all froze up at being pointed at

Diablo: Yes of course my Lord

Rimuru: They attacked us and they won't tell us why as you know I'm not one for interrogation so if you all would do what you can to get the information that we need on why they attacked us and the princess

Diablo: Understood My Lord it will be done

Rimuru: Oh and one more thing

Diablo: Yes my Lord

Rimuru had a smirk on his face

Rimuru: Make sure to have fun

Each of them grew a wicked grin in response to their master's words

Diablo: Yes sir

Testarossa: You're as generous as ever my lord

The knights tried to flee

Carrera: Where do you pieces of s*** think you're going

Carrera shot those that tried to escape in the legs

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