The Slave girl

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Rimuru decided to keep his mask off from now on, the duo walked through the town where they received awful looks from everyone they were treated as if they had the plague whispers could be heard by everyone

Civilian 1: Why is that guy still with him

Civilian 2: He must've been in on it too

Civilian 1: What disgusting bastards

Rimuru: Looks like the rumor mill is as active as ever news really travels fast in this kingdom

Naofumi: Again I say now may be the best time to leave if you don't want trouble

Rimuru: It doesn't bother me (Honestly this kind of treatment is an interesting experience no one usually would even think of saying anything bad about me back home yet another fun challenge to conquer . . . ugh now I'm starting to sound like Milim is this how she felt all the time in those 20,000 years before she met me)

The duo headed to the field they continued grinding and thanks to Rimuru's efforts they were able to gain decent drops and experience

Naofumi: Already level 10 not bad

Rimuru: Only problem is that the mobs around us are becoming too weak to give us any real experience

Naofumi: I guess we should move on soon but at least with these drops we can sell them since we have a lot

The duo headed to a shop to sell drops they had over 180

Naofumi: How much for all of these

Merchant: Oh orange balloons are they, looks like 180 of them by my count how does 1 cooper sound for the entire lot

Rimuru: (He cannot be serious)

Naofumi: I heard you offer the last guy one copper for every 2

Merchant: Did I now, I don't recall that you two must understand I do have a business to run

Rimuru activated Lords Ambition on the slimy merchant

Rimuru: Is that so

Merchant: What are you doing to me stop it

Naofumi: Look we're not trying to rip you off here all we're asking for is a fair price

Rimuru: Is it personal is there maybe some reason you could have for hating us

Merchant: Please I give up whatever you want PLEASE JUST STOP IT

Rimuru tuned off Lords Ambition the duo received 90 cooper

Naofumi: One more thing make sure to spread the word around to all other merchants to not try and scam us

Rimuru: As for what will happen to them I'm sure you have quite the imagination

Merchant: I get it I'll tell everyone

Rimuru: Pleasure doing business with you

Naofumi: To a fruitful relationship

Days passed by Naofumi was able to be far stronger than he should've been at that point thanks to Rimuru's efforts his Shield was far stronger than the other heroes combined

Naofumi: The drops are one thing but we still need to find ways to make money

Rimuru: Let's try selling potions I bet if we work together we can make something pretty potent

Naofumi: Not a bad idea

Thanks to their combined efforts they were able to make potions more potent than either of them could've come up with separately they sold them for quite high prices they decided to eat at a tavern after a long day

The Slime and the Shieldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن