Catastrophe's Loss

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Quick question while this chapter is out should I add another That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Character if so who do you think it should be I thought Milim would work since well I don't think I need to elaborate but I'm open to suggestions on more characters

Naofumi: I can't trust anything you say GET LOST

Rimuru: (Cold but I can't blame him)

Melty: Please wait you have to hear me out

Naofumi: I don't have to listen to a damn word that comes out of the filthy royal mouths

Rimuru: Sorry Melty but you should leave

Knight: Princess Melty his royal majesty calls please come with us

Melty: Very well I'll go I have to leave now Filo

Filo: Mel wait

Naofumi: Filo, no, don't

Melty then left

Raphtalia: Why couldn't you have given her a chance to explain herself

Filo: Hey Masters I don't understand how could you treat Mel so coldly why, tell me why, please

Rimuru: Well I think we should at least give her an explanation it's not like she won't understand

Naofumi: . . .Fine

Rimuru then explained the history between Naofumi and the royal family

Filo: But that can't be Mel is not like that

Rimuru: As far as we know but we can't be sure so it would be best to keep your distance we don't want any trouble with the Royal family but anyways while we're here we should probably get those class upgrades we heard about

Naofumi: Good idea partner

They made their way to the church

Naofumi: (Why is the shield the only one that's missing)

When they entered they had an unwelcome surprise

Naofumi: 15 gold pieces

Rimuru: Is that all fine

Rimuru handed the nun 30 gold pieces

Naofumi: Go on you 2 and Rimuru don't you want one

Rimuru: Believe me an upgrade is the last thing I need

But then they received the news that they weren't allowed to obtain any class upgrades

Ciel: Suggestion you could just kill them and take it for free

Rimuru: (Tempting but unnecessary) fine we'll just take our money elsewhere your loss

The party left the church

Rimuru: (I could do a self-made class upgrade but maybe later it's not even like we need an upgrade right now)

The party slept at an inn and left in the morning for a job while they aided refugees and heard of their struggle and the bow hero's involvement in it thanks to Rimuru's abilities the people were better off when they encountered the bow and sword hero they reprimanded them for their recklessness when the conversation was finished the Shield's party encountered the same group that wanted to help them Rimuru gave them decent gear

Rimuru: Be careful I made that suit so that if you betray us then they will explode on your person

The party was intimidated

Naofumi: Heh nice joke partner

Rimuru: Joke?

Raphtalia: Master Rimuru you were kidding right

The Slime and the ShieldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon