[01 - It was a New Life for You.]

Start from the beginning

"Eeh? Little [N/n] here doesn't seem to mind me sitting next to her, so why shouldn't I sit with her?" He asks with his arms wrapped around you.

"I still cannot allow you."

"Fineeee. Let's settle this like we used to then." Dazai raises his hand, and so does kunikida.

"A-are they going to fight?" Atsushi whispers to you, and gets no response as you watch the boy's face turn into one of panic

Suddenly, both of them... Start playing Rochambeau? What the heck? But...

They tied.

And again.

And again.

And 20 more times.

What were the chances? Anyways...

"Why don't both of you sit with me?" You ask, the fact that they were both much taller and bulkier than you had flown over your head.

And you you're here.

Sitting across from a boy stuffing his face with tea on rice like there's no tomorrow.

That'll leave a dent in Kunikida's wallet for sure.

"You're unbelievable. Who goes 'That's a nice river' then jumps into it in the middle of a job? Look how off-schedule we are now!" Kunikida grits his teeth.

"You really do love your schedules, don't you Kunikida?" Dazai says with his eyes drifting off to who knows where.

"This isn't a schedule!" The blonde says, slamming his book on the table, slightly confusing you.

"It's an ideal! My guide in life! And in these papers, it is not written my work partner is a suicidal maniac!" He says, now standing up.

"Aguaghfihau?" Atsushi says, his voice completely and utterly incomprehensible. 

"Shut up!" Kunikida sits down again.

"Nowhere in my projected expenses pages will you find written that I will buy a million bowls of tea on rice for a snot-nosed brat!" He replies somehow.

"Kunikida... Why don't we calm down?" You pat his shoulder, and he stops rambling.

"Aguagbo?" The silver-haired boy before you asks.

"Like I said, it's a job." Kunikida waves his hand in the air, as if to dismiss the question.

"Ognoafguha?" The boy, still stuffing his mouth with rice inquires.

"Our job today? It involves the military." Kunikida answers, hoping it would finally shut the boy up.

"How are you two communicating, actually?" Both you and brunette ask at the same time.

"Aaah, I'm so full! I don't wan to see a bowl of this for at least 10 years." Atsushi says contently, patting his belly.

"Why you... Must you be so shameless after eating on my dime?" Kunikida is on the verge of fuming.

"But really, you're a real life saver. After leaving the orphanage and coming to Yokohama, I've had nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep. I thought I'd die." The boy says, a smile of gratitude on his face.

"You're from an orphanage?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowing. Why would he leave?

"Well, yeah. They... they kicked me out." His smile faltered for a moment. Just a moment, but it was long enough for you to see, he was hurt.

"That's non-profit if I've ever seen it." Dazai says lightheartedly, but his face says otherwise.

"Oi, Dazai. We aren't philanthropists, you know. We don't go around helping random brats we find on the street. Let's get back to the matter at hand." Kunikida lifts his book, the word Ideal written of the cover.

"Oh, that's right. Your current job involves the military, right? What even is your job, anyway?" The boy was quite curious.

"Ah, they're private investigators. I'm currently unemployed but I'm probably going through the process of being employed by their agency right now." You say with a hint of excitement. You were excited to join as an official detective.

"P-private... investigators..?" Atsushi blinks once. Then twice. Then thrice.

"Well, not all of us detectives handle lost pet cases and extramarital affairs. Perhaps you've heard of the Armed Detective Agency. An organization full of people with supernatural powers?" Kunikida says, pushing his glasses up as they started to slip off his nose.

"Oh, right. I forgot that you guys are mainly considered myths here." You say, but before you can go on you hear something-

Ringg!!! Ringgg!!!

Ah, it was your phone. It was an unknown number, but... why did you get the feeling you shouldn't hang up?

"I should take this call." You frown slightly. Who could be calling you at this time? It couldn't be anyone at the agency, you had all of their numbers. The PM was also a no. the only one with your info there is Chuuya, and you know for sure he wouldn't just give your number to anyone.

You walk out of the teahouse.

"Hello? Is this perhaps [Y/n]?" A silky, soft yet elegant voice comes from the speaker of your phone. But it wasn't in Japanese. It was French. You knew this person. You knew this voice.

"D-Domi? Is... is that really you? How did you get my number?" Your voice shakes. When was the last time you heard someone speak in French, how many years?

"[Y/n]... It's really you. Thank goodness. Do you know how worried you've made me and Jeanne worry? And Noe too! He-" Dominique cuts herself off. Right, you didn't want to hear his name. It was associated with too many good memories, and too many bad ones. Remembering wasn't good for you.

"I- yeah, I'm sorry. I should have told you I was leaving France. It wasn't right of me." You speak, this time in your native tongue. It felt good. 

"...[Y/n]? What... Why are you speaking French?" Your head whips around to see Atsushi, staring at you like you were an alien, and Dazai, who also seemed shocked at the fact you knew a different language. Not only that, Dazai knew the words you were using were quite outdated compared to French today. You were becoming more mysterious by the minute here, you needed to clear any confusion up.

"Ah, Domi, I hope you can forgive me for cutting this reunion short, but I'm afraid I have to go. I'll call you later, alright?" You say, then hang up.

"Well, um... I'm not Japanese, to start with." Looks of shock from both Dazai and Atsushi are directed to you now."

"How? You speak so fluently! You don't even have an accent!" The younger boy stared at you in shock.

"I'm a fast learner, I guess." You hoped you could change the topic.

"Well, I learn something new every day, I suppose." Dazai says, his arms behind his back as he walks past you. But then, he turns to you.

"Well, you're joining us. Let's go catch ourselves a tiger!" The brunette says, pumping his fist in the air.

You smile fondly at him. It was nice, not being constantly haunted by your past.

It was a new life for you.


Decided to cut this chapter short because I'm tired. Also I totally didn't write this right after the prologue like who would do that??? Not me for sure! 

Spoiler alert: I started writing this right after the prologue. 

Anyways, I'll see you next chapter!


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