[03 - You Should Stop Speaking Lies.]

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This chapter might be slightly confusing to those who have not watched Vanitas no Carte or read the manga.

Your eyes flit around, trying to make sense of the brightness around you.

As your eyes adjust, you see the streets of 1900's France before you, flower petals scattered in the sky, carriages carrying couples and vibrant colored stores full of curiosities and new inventions of the time.

What? You were just talking to Dazai. Why were you back in France?

"Oi, [N/n]. Stop staring at the streets and let's get going." That voice- you turn to see Vanitas before you. But you do not dare to break down or cry. Well, it was more like your body wouldn't allow you to.

"Ah, right. Let's get going." You smile at him sincerely, just like you used to.

He walks away, the street crumbling and disappearing.

Then, he vanishes Into the dark.

Ice starts to blanket the blank void, and snow starts to appear, then pine trees? The sky was dark, and no stars were seen. Only a brilliant blue moon brightened the abyssal sky.

Was this inside your soul? Were you only dreaming?

"My, my... it's been so long since I've last seen someone here." The voice that was suddenly in your ear sounds distorted and corrupt.


"No... Why are you here?" No, this can't be true. Why is Naenia here? Has she always been here?

Naenia was the vampire queen's malady, but she was killed! So how, why is she in your soul?

Did she survive and get her way into your soul?

As you stare into the dark figure, its dark, wispy black hands land on your cheeks, its touch like icicles being pressed into your skin.

You were forced to face the dark entity.

Then its eyes were the only thing you saw.

The background being filled with ink

Its glowing red eyes stared at you.

You wake up in cold sweat. You'd rather never have that dream again.

Wait, wasn't today the day that Dazai will give Atsushi the entrance exam?

What time was it? Finally thinking clearly again, you check your clock.

3:56 AM

The red flashing numbers on your alarm clock had essentially yelled at you, and your eyes closed at the brightness.

Well, you definitely weren't sleeping anytime soon. You might as well have breakfast now.

But what were you going to make? It's likely you don't have much in your fridge since you just moved into the ADA's assigned apartment.

You open your fridge to see an orange and a carton of milk.

Well, guess you can starve then. Because you were not going to eat the only two things in your fridge right away like an impulsive person would.

You were actually quite rational because of your upbringing.

Speaking of upbringing, you look at the blue web-like mark on your arm. Is there even any more of your kin still alive out there?

[DISCONT.] ORBS OF A BLUE MOON » BSD x Fem!Vampire!ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz