[00 - You Should Have Trusted Him.]

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It was cold and rainy. You felt as if you were lost, but you knew exactly where you were. Why? You asked yourself. Why did it have to be him?

"N-Noe... Th- this is a joke, right? Please, tell me this is a joke." You wouldn't believe what was happening before your eyes. There was no way Noe had done this.

"This isn't funny, Noe. D-don't mess with me like this." You say, tears threatening to pour out of your eyes.

You stare at the blood on his face. You stare at the cold eyes he shows you, but deep down you knew he was hurt too.

You stare at the dead body next to him, its beautiful blue eyes dulled and body stilled, belly opened and bleeding. It was your brother, Vanitas, barely even breathing.

You walk over to Noe, and he flinches, but you keep on walking. Past him, and towards the dying body of your brother.

"Vanitas..." Your voice is barely a whisper as you see his eyes slowly turn to you. He opens his mouth.

"H-hey, [N/n]..." He smiles at you. He fucking smiles as he's bleeding out to death.

"It may be too late for me, but please... Keep on writing my story in my place. Save the vampires, then tell me all about your story when we meet again." He coughs in between his words, his hands shaking as the blue book in his hands is pushed towards you.

"No, don't say that, Vani. You'll live. You're gonna live, you hear me?" You raise your voice at him, your tears mixing in with the rain around you.

You never got a response as your brother's eyes dulled and his heavy breathing. Your [E/c] eyes flitted over to Noe, full of sorrow and agony.

"You killed him. You killed Vanitas. You killed my brother." Your voice is like a blade to Noe's throat as he stares at you.

"I... I'm sorry, [N/n]. I had to-"

"Don't call me that. You have no right." You spat out, your tears mixing with the rain and your blood boiling with anger.

Then, you did the stupidest thing you could have possibly done.

You ran.

You ran away from him.

From Vanitas.

From yourself.

It's been a few years since the death of Vanitas. You cut off ties with Noe and moved to a different town.

But now, you're back, just for one thing.

You were sitting in front of a grave where you placed an assortment of flowers in front of it.

"Hey, Vani. How have you been?" No response.

"I've moved to a different town now, and I'm afraid I can't visit you as often... but you'll be here, so I shouldn't worry." Tears built up in your eyes, but you wouldn't cry. You couldn't cry. Not anymore.

"I was talking with Roland and Olivier recently, they seem to be in good spirits. I wish I could be happy too. But I can't be happy without you." You fall silent for a bit.

5 minutes pass.

Then 10.

Then 20.


"[Y/n]? Is that you?" A familiar voice calls.

No, it can't be him. Why would he be here? He killed Vanitas. He doesn't have the right to visit his grave-

"Why are you here, Noe?" Your once sorrowful voice turns cold.

"Why, out of all days, would you choose his birthday to visit him?" Your eyes glistened with anger.

Noe tried to reach his hand out to pat your head, like he did back then.


You push his hand out of the way.

"Don't touch me."

"[Y/n], I'm sorr-"

"You're not sorry. Why would you be? You killed him, Noe. And I will never forgive you." Your voice is seeping with venom. You can't stand him.

And you ran away again.

Why did you keep on running?

You should have trusted him.


I wrote this a very long time ago and it started as just a tiny inkling of an idea, but since I'm too scared to post my shitty books and show my horrible writing to the world I just never posted it. I hope you liked this chapter, and I'll see you next chapter!


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