[06 - Today was an Eventful Day.]

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One day.

Just one day until your old friends came.

What would you say to the agency?

Or what would you tell Domi and Jeanne? They don't know you joined a detective agency, in fact, it was the last thing you expected to join!

You frantically pace in your kitchen, making sure everything was all cleaned up and tidy, kind of like how a mom would before having guests over.

Let's just say you like making good first impressions.

Well, no more dilly-dallying! Time to go to work.

By the time you had arrived, Kunikida was standing in front of the door, as per usual, and waiting for the time to walk in.

Why did he wait for just a few seconds? Made no sense to you.

Walking past him, you open the door to see your dearest colleagues sitting at their desks.

"Yo, [Y/n]!" Your over enthusiastic coworker, Ranpo, greets you as he sneaks on a bag of chips while looking over some papers.

"Morning, Ranpo." You simply nod as you walk to your desk.

Hopefully today wasn't too eventful.

Yeah... As if. No day is 'normal' when you work in a detective agency that deals with cases that even the police can't handle.

But then again, the police couldn't handle a lot of things.

By the time you meet up with the client, Dazai was already flirting with the lady as usual.

Luckily for you, you knew this was Higuchi, one of the PM's members.

Dazai knows this too, and you know. He really is cunning.

You could probably pass him over for a member of the De Sade family, with their sadistic streak in children who flirt and lie, it would make sense.

Actually, that would explain so much.

Whenever you saw Dazai like this, it reminded you of Antione, the De Sade family heir.

"My lady, will you strangle me with those exquisite fingers of yours?" Dazai says, his hand placing a tracker in the blonde's pocket.

And on cue, Kunikida grabs Dazai by the collar and drags him into the server room.

And nobody likes the server room.

"Excuse me for a moment." The tall man with the ponytail says, two fingers delicately pushing his glasses up a slight bit, perhaps as a preparation for the beating.

Poor Dazai, he's sure to get a good beat down.

Despite being slightly idle this entire time, you feel as if Higuchi had eyes on the back (or side?) of her head, specialized specifically for watching out for you.

It was unsettling, to say the least.

You walk down the alleyway, pursuing Tanizaki, Naomi, and Atsushi who were following Higuchi.

You wonder, what was the Port Mafia scheming? What did they hope to achieve here?

You continue to watch as the Mafia dog takes off their sunglasses and pulls out their two guns.

Her hair gets tied into a bun as she preps for battle.

You could feel the nervousness and fear settle in your stomach.

You don't know if you could handle the sight of blood, or even the scent.

It always drew you closer.

You can't hear them from where you were.

But what was it you could hear?

The rapid firing of bullets, directed at Tanizaki.

When the bright flash from the bullets fades, and the heavy scent of metal dissipates.

You see Naomi, her back riddled with holes from the bullets.

Your eyes widen, the enticing and inviting aroma of blood filling your nose.

No, you have to focus.

You can't give in.

Not again.

You pinch yourself to keep yourself focused.

But the blood-


The shriek from your ginger colleague can be only described as pure horror and fear.


And then, like a change in the wind, his face shifts into one of anger.


The alleyway is enveloped in the green glow of Junichiro's ability.

Shit. Now you couldn't see anything.

You can still hear though.

The blast from the bullets makes you feel as though your ears will fall off.

Stupid guns.

By now, the foggy green glow had dispersed, showing Tanizaki choking Higuchi, with the intent to kill her.

You decide it's probably not a good idea to try and creep closer to hear their conversations, but you decide to anyway.

"What's life without a little adventure," as he would say.

Cough... Cough...

No. Not him.

Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Ability: Rashomon.

The one person Atsushi was warned about.

The black void that could be described as 'sharp clothes' appears behind Tanizaki, impaling him, and therefore stopping Tanizaki from killing Higuchi.

"Akutagawa, I can handle this on my..."The blonde starts, then get cut off as her higher-up proceeds to slap his fellow Mafia dog.

What an asshole.

You didn't even bother listening to anything else he might have said, the overwhelming scent of blood ready to take over you.

But you stay strong, your nails sinking into your skin and drawing blood.

Then, Rashomon cuts off Atsushi's leg.

What an eventful day.


I'm sorry for taking a break for the past week! I had visitors over and then a few days after they left, I got sick :'D I'm not at full health yet, but I'll be fine.


Anyways, have a great day and I'll see you in the next chapter!


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