Part 8

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A few days later

Alex's POV

Isabella has officially met the whole coven and this is the reason Rosalie was at my place and she talked for 2 hours about how unsafe it could be for her, Emmett and Jasper as well as me and Dad. 

She said how no one but me, Emmett and Jasper listens to her worries and she has a very bad feeling about Isabella knowing. Since Isabella knows what the Cullens are she spends all her time at their house after school. 

This leads her to distance herself from her dad and be more ignorant. I could see her being confident that if she clings to Edward for long she will be turned into a vampire. Her constant staying at the Cullen house led to Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper spending more time with me. 

I don't mind that they spend almost the whole day at my place. They will often help me at home or with my lessons if I don't know something. Rosalie has decided to go away with Emmett for a second wedding night when they finish school. 

It will be for a fortnight so I am helping her to organise a week's stay in Paris and a week in London. I'm helping her find a suitable hotel and what's most interesting to see. 

I am going with Jasper to Spain for a two weeks and New York for a week. You may be worried that Jasper will shine like a disco ball but we discovered something amazing a few months ago. 

We discovered that if they mix food with blood they can eat people food. The positive plus to this is that through this food they don't glow in the sun like a million diamonds. We were happy about this but still avoided sunny days so that Edward, Carlisle, Esme and Alice wouldn't find out. 

I was curious when Isabella was going to start bragging about being Edward's girlfriend and I was sure she was going to slip in something about immortality. The only reason she's still here because she's underage and if dad has proof that she's not his kid he needs to deal with this demon. 

Since this Demon arrived I have been trying to persuade Dad to do DNA this on Isabella and him. I am 75% sure that Isabella is not dad's biological child. I know he is wavering but I am sure I will be successful soon and dad will be free of this demon. 

I had a feeling something would happen in the short term and it would have an impact with Isabella. I suspected there was going to be a storm in the short term and Rosalie confirmed that they were planning to play baseball that day. 

She said with displeasure that Isabella would be joining them. I asked if it would be unsafe by the nomads who are in the area. Rosalie told me that Alice had a vision of them leaving but I pointed out that they could hear them. I decided to expand on my thought 

'' What if they hear you and want to check what is going on. You will have Isabella there and you will want to do it wisely so if they ask to play with you I am sure Carlisle will agree. Any minute the wind could blow and if it does the three of them will know that the demon is not a vampire '' I said '' Demon? '' asked Rose 

'' My nickname for Isabella. I'm sure they'll want to eat her if she's a Blood singer and who they'll force to defend her. Knowing Isabella she will be hurt by one of these vampires anyway. In her mind she has to become one of you and if it turns out a vampire goes after her she will do anything to get bitten by him'' I said and Rosalie agreed without thinking.

 We told Emmett and Jasper about it and they also agreed with me. They knew, however  that they would have to help if this happened, but they would use this later in their ladies leaving the coven. 

We talked about it for a while and changed the subject to the other one. Suddenly Jasper got a message from Alice about tomorrow's storm and we knew that we would find out about our thoughts tomorrow. 

They stayed with me for a bit longer and decided to go hunting and to their house. I decided to make myself and Blue something to eat.

 I decided to make myself and Blue something to eat

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I sat down in the living room with Blue and turned on the television

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I sat down in the living room with Blue and turned on the television. Because there was nothing interesting on, I turned on Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, my favourite film from my childhood. 

When it was over, I played another film and before I knew it, it was 9:30 p.m., so I decided to go to bed. I checked that I had everything locked up in the house and turned on the burglar alarm along with the fence. I knew something was going to happen tomorrow and I had a very bad feeling about it.

The next day

I woke up with a bad feeling in the morning but I didn't want to worry about it now. I didn't want to get up but I knew I had to. I only had a few days of school left and I had my studies out of the way and I was happy about that. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally got up from the cot and put on my comfort pressure.

 After thinking about it for a long time, I finally got up from the cot and put on my comfort pressure

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I decided to continue with the landscape painting I had been working on for 4 days. I already had it 60 % finished and I hoped I could finish it today. After a few hours Blue let me know he was hungry so I took a break for something to eat. 

When I looked at the painting I could see that all that was missing was a defensive oliva so that it wouldn't get damaged but it had to dry first. I decided to do it in the evening so I could send the painting off tomorrow morning and take care of the next one. 

I had three more paintings to do before the holidays and I am taking a long break from painting. Suddenly I got a message from Rosalie telling me to go to my dad's and she would explain everything to me later. 

When I arrived dad was devastated and I knew that Isabella had done something and he should pray that I didn't catch her because when I finished with her my own mother wouldn't recognise her. 

It took me a while to reassure Dad to tell him what Isabella had done and when he told me I thought I was going to go after her myself and hand slap her. Dad told me he wasn't sad that she had moved out but what she had said. He admitted that it violated bad memories that he wanted to forget. 

He told me that he had done that DNA test and it turned out, however, that Isabella was not his daughter. We celebrated with fast food and our favourite movies.

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