Yoo Jeongyeon (TWICE) x Reader

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*sigh* "This job is killing me..." Y/N sighed and buried his head between his arms at his desk. Y/N woke up and saw that there were still several piles of documents that he had to copy on the computer and several files that he had to type and later had to be submitted to the CEO where he worked.

"I really want to go home..." Y/N sighed once again before feeling a vibration on his desk and it came from his cell phone. On the screen of her cell phone was a name that she was very familiar with, it was Yoo Jeongyeon. She was his coworker, even though they were in different departments but sometimes they met up to take a break together or drink to relieve stress after coming home from work.

"Y/N, after work let's have a dinner together. I want to repay you for helping me with my work before" Jeongyeon chat

"It's okay Jeongyeon, I like to help you and you don't have to repay it" Y/N replied and just a few second, Jeonyeon chat him again

"I insist, please accept it"

"Thanks for your kindness Jeongyeon but still, I have to work overtime because how much the work that have a short deadline.. (T_T)" Y/N replied again

"Aww that sucks. Oh right! Can I come to you after work?"

"Sure? But why?"

"It's secret, anyway I have to go. My manager call me. Bye-bye!" She ended chat.

Y/N reluctantly carried on with his work until a few hours later when it was time to go home, but as Y/N had been working overtime, he was the only one in his department. It wasn't until he heard the tapping of heels, and sure enough, someone he recognised approached him.

"Jeongyeon?" Y/N looked at Jeongyeon who was standing next to him with a confused look on his face.

"Surprise!" Jeongyeon said. She had brought a box of food, containing several meals, each with portions for more than one

"Is that for me too?" Y/N asked

"Of course! Let's eat together. While you finish your work, I'll wait for you until we can go home together."

"Thank you, Jeonyeon, I really appreciate it, but you don't have to wait for me until I'm finished anyway. I'm sure you must be tired after working all day," Y/N said with a worried smile, but Jeongyeon just shook her head.

"Take it easy, it's more fun to keep you company than to sit at home doing nothing. You can talk to me if you get bored," Jeongyeon said confidently. That's make Y/N blushed since he never have someone waiting for him, and it's Jeongyeon who said that of course it would make him feel special

"All right, if that's what you want, and thanks for the food!" Y/N started to eat the food box Jeongyeon gave him together with Jeongyeon who also wanted to eat with him.

Y/N continued to work on his assignment, and of course with Jeongyeon by his side, it became even more exciting because she never tired of supporting him. No wonder many men in this office like Jeongyeon, from her looks to her personality, it can be said that she is perfect.
"Finally done..." Y/N stretched his body after sitting in front of the computer for several hours to finish her work.

"Jeong-" Before Y/N called out to her, Y/N saw Jeongyeon sleeping in one of the chairs of the employee sitting next to her.

Y/n, watching this, felt that he could see Jeongyeon's peaceful face in his sleep.

'I admit she's very beautiful even when she's sleeping... no. I can't fall in love with her. I'm sure she must have boyfriend,' Y/N thought with a sigh before he woke Jeongyeon from her sleep.

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