Minatozaki Sana (TWICE) x Reader

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"Breaking news, the rising star girl group Twice will going tour at Japan next week..." The sound of voice from TV bring my attention to TV at cafe where I work. There are 9 beautiful girls but I know my attention will only toward you...Sana.

I have crush on her a long time ago before she go to South Korea to chase her dreams. We are best friend on middle school before she move to Korea and that time I already like her. I just don't have a chance to tell her that I love her and we just lost contact after she moved to Korea.

"The coffee won't make itself Y/N" My boss said sternly to me

"Sorry" I said to my boss and he just nodded and continue on his job. I work at this cafe after I graduate from high school and became a barista after going barista course. The cafe isn't that popular but at least we have some costumer who become regular here

Then I heard the door opening and reveal 3 girls wearing mask and hat who immediately walk toward cashier to order something

"Irasshaimase (welcome)" I slightly bowed "Do you want to order something?" I said to them but one of girls open her mask

"Y/N?!" She said to me but I definitely know who's voice is belong

"Sana?" I asked to make sure that I am right, I mean the Sana back then is different now. Her features is more mature and beautiful

"Right! How have you been?" She said, I smile awkwardly

"Fine, I guess..." I said and then we have this awkward situation where we don't know what to do. Luckily one of her friend, I guess her name it's Jihyo said something

"Can we order house bland? I heard this cafe have an oriental bland that they make itself" Jihyo said and I nodded

"Yes, is there anything you want?" I said to Sana and her other friend Dahyun

"I want a latte" Dahyun said shortly while nudge Sana who still looked at me silently

"E-eh...I choose same as Jihyo then..." She said quietly

"Okay, thanks for ordering. You can sit down anywhere you want" I said to them, but Sana still spacing out while look at me

"Hello?" I waved my hand on front of her face and then she blinked

"Sorry, I-" She looked down, actually she feel guilty after a few years become idol she never call nor chat you

"Excuse me, you make some line miss..." I said to Sana politely and she look behind her and there is some customer who's waiting

"Please go to you seat and I will take care your order later miss" I slighlty bowed at her and she just looked down

Sana POV

He really change, I mean in the past he always smile widely to me and became beagle everytime we hang out together. Is it because we lost contact for long time? I didn't realize that I spacing out on front of cashier

"Hello?" He said to me with worried expression while waving his hand on my face

"Sorry, I-" Why I said sorry? Yeah, it's because after many years I didn't meet him and not trying to call or chat him. I really miss him but I don't give an effort

"Excuse me, you make some line miss..." He said politely, and I look behind me and they are some customer who want to order

"Please go to your seat and I will take care your order later miss..." He slightly bowed, I really want to talk with him more and want to said sorry but I can do it right now and go back to my seat with Jihyo and Dahyun

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