Chapter 6: Malcolm Pace of Athena Has Made A Plan

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After what seems like forever, lunch is finally over.

I was walking to my next activity, Arts And Crafts. My sister, Annabeth is teaching how to use Arts And Crafts against monsters. The Athena and Hephaestus cabins are the best at this, so we took classes together.

"Hey Malcolm!" Leo calls to me, "Wanna join me and Calypso?"

We were being paired with three, so it made sense, so I said "Why not?" I then proceeded to walk to them.

Annabeth came in holding a giant batch of string, "I will teach you how to make a bridge with knitting!"

Someone in the room snickred, I turn around to where the voice came from.

It was from Arnold Wisar, brother of Harnorld Wisar (His last name is pronounced WHY-ZAR, sounds a lot like wiser now that I think about it.)

Bad idea buddy.

Annabeth smirked as if she was preparing for this (which she probaly had), and went into full detail on how it saved during her time in Rome.

The mortals were shocked to say the least.

"Now start!"

I started weaving, not having a single problem. Weaving comes naturally to me, and once I start it's the only thing I focus on.

"Pssst," Leo whispered. "Malcolm."

I took a break from my weaving and look straight into his eyes, they were the color brown.

"What?" I said in annoyance.

"I need your help," he said earnestly.

"If you need help just ask Annabeth," I told him, then another thought took over. He was horrified of Annabeth, so he's asking me to help him.

I sighed and said, "fine. What do you need help with?"

Leo smirked and nudged his elbow to Calypso. Once Calypso looked up, Leo addressed me, "We need help with a plan, a very important plan."

"What pl-plan?" I stuttered, normally when people need help with a plan they go to my sister, Annabeth Chase. But these two came to me, the Nobody Malcolm Pace.

This time it was Calypso who answered, "a plan to put the mortals in their place."

~Say Hello To My Grandaughter For Me~

They explained the plan to me, and fot the whole lesson we were weaving and brainstorming.

And now that the lesson's over and free period is starting, we're putting our plan to action.

"Remember," I explained the plan to them again. "We have five days to get all 30 cabins and hunters on board. To do that we need the cabin councellor and lieutanent' signature as proof." Calypso and Leo nodded, holdimg their clipboards. "The clipboard is magic so whenever someone signs it alerts us. So far we only have the Hephaestus cabin's aggreement. That's still 30! more signatures left"

I took a deep breath, "luckily for us I know how to get more.

I turned to Calypso, "Calypso! You go to the arena, Clarisse should be there. A random mortal probaly insulted her sparring skills, so she would be angry. Angry enough to sign."

"Leo! You will find the Aphrodite Rangers' next move, a mortal might have flirted with one of the OTPs, Piper could not be more happier to sign," I advised him.

"What will you do?"

"I'll get Percy and Annabeth's signatures." I said. "Got it?

"Got it!"

"Let's do this!"

And we ran our seperate ways.

~Malcolm Pace is smart~

"Annabeth!" I scremed after her, bringing my clip-board.

"What is it Malcolm?"

"Can you sign these please," I showed her the clip-board while doing my best puppy dog eyes.

"What's it for?" she pondered, wanting an answer.

"For a, umm, Expansion!"

Annabeth clearly didn't buy it but she signed anyway.

I turned to run but she caught my hand pulled me closer and whispered in my ear, "I know you're lying, Malcolm." And she let me go.

I got Percy's sign easily.

One look at Annabeth's name and he signed straightaway, not one question.

3 down, 28 more to go.


I had Writer's Block for this part and absolutely no motivation.

Please give me OCs. I need 'em.

And they can be one of 40 Greek gods.

Here are the cabins


1. Zeus (Jason)
3. Poseidon (Percy)
4. Demeter (Katie)
5. Ares (Clarisse)
6. Athena (Annabeth)
7. Apollo (Will)
8. Artemis (Thalia)
9. Hephaestus (Leo)
10. Aphrodite (Piper)
11. Hermes (Travis )
12. Dionysus (Pollux)
13. Hades (Nico)
14. Iris (Butch)
15. Hypnos (Clovis)
16. Nemesis (Damien)
17. Nike (Holly and Laurel)
18. Hebe (Paulo)
19. Tyche (Chiara)
20. Hecate (Lou Ellen),

Me made

21. Nyx (Layla)
22. Thanatos (Evelyn)
23. Eleos (Ebele)
24. Anaideia (Chasin)
25. Aergia (Luard)
26. Koalemos (Bri)
27. Apate (Cozbi)
28. Hybris (Hyda)
29. Kymopoleia (Kimmy)
30. Aidos (Modesty)


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