Chapter 11: My Archery Teacher, Kayla Knowles Daughter Of Apollo!

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"Okay!" an orange-to-green haired girl said cheerfully, clapping her hands. She was tanned and sported the iconic CHB look, the orange T-shirt and denim jeans. She had a brown quiver on her back. "I'm Kayla Knowles, and some of my siblings and I will be teaching you some archery skills." A few whoops came out from the crowd, a mix of cabin 24 and 25 (mortals and demigods alike) cheered, me included. I've always wanted to learn archery.

After the cheering died down, Kayla clapped her hands to gain our attention. "Alright, listen up, if you already know a tad bit or decent enough of archery skills you can follow Chiron and the Hunters-" She pointed at the brown haired centaur and a group of girls. The centaur wore a suit. All the girls -the supposed 'Hunters'- wore silver parkas and a tiara on their heads. "-to the Masters Archery class. And if you're new with archery you'll stay with me and my siblings and we'll teach you the basics."

The Cabin 11 kids and Huntresses of Artemis started sorting everybody. I went with the children of Apollo, it seems that ⅗ of people are newbies, and ⅖ already know the basics, mostly the half-bloods.

I looked around at the big group I was placed in. Oh shoot, so many people! I don’t wanna shoot in a crowd. The cabin 11 kids brought us to where the targets were.

There are six targets in all, for twenty-one people. Each target holds three minitargets. five were at five meters and one in seven. A few people sit on the sidelines -the pregnant woman taking care of all the babies and toddlers, all 10 of ‘em.

The instructor for target #4 is Kayla Knowles - the girl who talked earlier - , an African American boy, and another blue eyed blondie. Me, my sissy, and a girl from cabin 24 were sharing the same target.

I tried to pay attention to what she was explaining to sissy, but the girl behind me was trying to strike up a conversation. 

“Hey,” she started, wavering from my focus. “When you got this invitation were you surprised that this was all real?”

I decided to answer. I shook my head, “the invitation was waaay more surprising. My little brother Oliver already told me about it.” 

I didn't add the fact that he used it as an insult to my being.

“Younger brother?” She then whispered, “ Did your dad, cheat?”

“WHAT!” Heads turned and eyes stared at my outburst. Somebody's shot went astray and missed the target completely. I blushed.

“why'd you think that? you can't just assume.” 

“i'm sorry.” 

“you better be, you son o- '' and my sentence was caught off mid sentence by three whistles. Everybody who just shot was told to go to their targets and pull all six arrows. It was kind of funny. One short kid couldn’t pull his arrows so he had to ask somebody else. The dude who missed his target went to the back with his instructor, searching for the stray arrow in the grass. A loot of people struggled to pull their arrows. Then they all came back one by one. Sissy slapped me in the back and told me to wait behind the shooting line. I did.

Kayla gave me the bow. I held onto it as I and the others who were gonna shoot waited for the pullers to return. And when they did, two whistles were blown. The instructors finally led us into the shooting line.

“Your feet need to be parallel to your shoulders while standing like a crab faced to me.” I obliged. A single whistle sounded. Some others started pulling. I tried to grab an arrow but Kayla didn’t let me. “Move a little left,” she ordered. I moved a little left.  “Good, try notching an arrow. That’s putting it on the string, by the way.” She added that last part because I didn’t understand.

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