The rest of the week and a half was full of luke warm events. Nothing happened around Reign. Though there were new reports that stated some deaths and missing people. This all having to do with that genocidal bastard.

Reign was switching channels on the tv in a daze as he listened around him and yawned.

"that's the third one this week." Reign heard his parents talk to each other in the other room.

"I know, this is worrying me too. How is he identifying his targets. Are they all iblis? I think one was. But what about the others?" The two keep asking questions to each other.

Why them? What motivate? If it is us then what?

Reign yawned again. That psyco who's been trapping iblis in his body and draining them dry to use their powers. He must be doing that for some special reason. Reign thought.

Just because he was a new born iblis didn't mean he didn't have ears and eyes. He could see the deaths and hear what everyone said since he was little, and he knew from Prince, it was some one that guy knew.

Why is prince not fighting back? Is it because we aren't 'attacking' iblis. Be we are just Vigil iblis? And we have to leave this to the Wayward iblis?

Reign clutched his fist. That seems unfair. We are not weak!

Then Reign paused for a moment. Loosing his rage. Wait! That bastard hates the children of the planet too. But why? What link does iblis and a COE have? Why would he need to collect us?
He had long since stopped his channel serfing and tapped his finger on the arm rest. Not listening what his parent talked about.

"Strong enough you need multiple iblis... maybe all of em? And he's trying to kill something, no obliterate it." Reign mumbled this to himself. His mind started to think negative.

Probably due to his apathetic nature from his Glowican race and his Slovic power hungry purest race making him think like a bad guy.

Race trait dominations happen more frequently in the half to quarter bloods but depending on how fluent or trained the individual individual is in the power they can boost it up.

Reign had constant physical training with Seifa to train his race powers. His races being human, clax, slovic-pure mix, glow, fractz and soul of iblis of Dates. So Reign would be considered a 5 type species and his soul is that of an iblis.

Pulling out his phone Reign pulled up info on the dead people. Reign mainly just need a picture of them and his powers could work. It was annoying that it still did this even when he just wanted to watch movies and tv.

The three pictures of the deceased people were of before their death. Which didn't matter.

It was like as his parents talked about, one was a Iblis. Cause dates were still on that person's head. The other two were blank. But the iblis colors were black, just like Rye'ut, just no white date.

Using Prince's power he looked closer. This iblis didn't have much magic life to begin with. He was a sub-iblis.

Changing persons, Reign looked at one of the deceased.

They were half human. Half Clax.

....And a COE

Not a iblis.

The other one was similar. A quarter human, quarter villon, and half fractz. And a COE.

Reign doubled checked to make for sure that was what he saw was true. COE was very rare unless you found a COE 'family' clan.They were earth's hand made element. They used their Designated element from the planet and that element only. Coe didn't have inner magic most of the time. And the planet's magic is unlimited, which might seem unfair but if you don't have your said element outside you, you can't use it.

Where as one's inner magic has a set limit. Sort of like COE is using the air out side them only. While most people are just able to use what their lungs can hold. Inner magic can be used almost anywhere just as long as you don't Exhaust all of it to kill your self.

Reign looked up more murders and most were similar. They had been a host or had the COE power.

After doing that for several hours without noticing the time. His mom came in to tell him to eat dinner.

"Food's ready..." she trailed off as she saw her son using his power on his phone and not looking too pleased. Reign looked annoyed. More then he usually showed.

"that bastard," He started. Then looked at his mom. His maker. "don't tell me you didn't know who his aim was this whole time?!" he swirling eyes looked like they could see every thing.

"we ...don't know the extent of his powers. Who will be next? Iblis or COE?" Seifa just stated she was in a state of unknown.

"then what the fucking use of these eyes for!?" Reign yelled and slammed his holo phone on the coffee table loudly.

"I don't want him to get you. You're too young. This is your first life. You will still be a new born for maybe five lives." Seifa infomed him. His father peeked in on them from around the corner. His short yellow hair not hiding his worried eyes at all.

Reign stood up and looked at his mother "I know what your trying to do." He pointed at her then put his hand on his hip.

"You're more focused on protecting us iblis. Just Cause COE can always be made by the planet, but come on! Seifa, you can't favor one species over the other." Reign's other hand moved from side to side in the air in exaggeration.

"He is killing us both! Iblis slowly inside of him. And just flat out murdering the other." His voice got louder as he hit his chest.

This mother just lifted her hands in defeat. Her expression saying, what do you want me to do?

"Haven't you at least felt any of their wishes?" Reign asked deflating.

"Not many. I think he gets the jump on them." Seifa told him sadly.

Reign rubbed his face with both hands. Then the dual COE he met in store came to mind.

"i'm worried that ..." reign stopped. Why should he be worried ...? He just met him and only talked to him once. The man could be killed by that psyco or Rye'ut could kill himself. But why did it matter to him?!

The white date. It was that damn white date that worried him. It was connected to him.

"what's wrong sweetheart?" Seifa asked.

Reign winced at the inderment.

"no it's nothing." Reign waved his mom way. "And i'm not hungry. Too much is going on in my head to eat." Reign walked past his parents. And went to his room.

Reign from Da FutureWhere stories live. Discover now