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                                                                             In loving memory

Luka was a boy when his parents passed, but he was taken care of by his Dad's mom , the kind of woman that loved to pinch his cheeks, and a woman who was happy with just raising one child because."I spent a fortune on my son" was one of her pieces of advice to my parents when they raised me. 

So they tried to do the same, all the loving tender things, children crave, a warm fuzzy home,soft warm hugs, that to this day reminded him of how loved he is.

The chimes, and clattering of a beautiful windshield, in the store entrance, made his nanna hustle over to see if the customer needed any help.

But as he looks at the photos that hung on the hallway to his room to the framed picture of his mother in a beautiful white dress, creams and pearl seemed to move along the fabric of her dress.

Feeling a tad bit sentimental, he wandered over to the rest of the photos, on the beautiful images of their legacy her dad's friend in a photo.

Truth be told when Luca tries to remember his past from when he was younger most of the memories are foggy. There are a few things Luka can remember in perfect clarity from those younger days: the warmth of his parents as they danced at one of his uncle's weddings.

Dancing together, in a spiral of the warm colors and the creams of dad's suit and my mother's ivory cream dress. A wondrous expanse of cream and milky shades made from such a shiny fabric made her look like she was part seal when she danced around. His dad followed her in his dusty brown hues of the vest and the clacking of his cowboy boots repeating after her.

The entire family was dancing or eating tamales, and a good portion of the kids were religiously pursuing the candy left in displays in the middle of tables. Luka was devouring the little wedding candy, running around until he collided with one of his cousins named Ricky. From then on the party started to get foggy, but Luka's memories of his parents are what the boy truly treasures these days.

After all, Luka doesn't have many of those because he lost them after he turned ten, and then was taken in by grandma who ran an antique shop in town.

 In this town there wasn't a lot of new occurrences, it was small, and slowly inching towards becoming more modern.But he had to admit the town had a lot going on over the years, a lot of ugly little things but then again bad things happen all the time. The weird mix of modern and old in values , made life interesting if anything but they made headlines a few years back with the case of a classmate of his. Talk of the town and all at the time. Luka remembers her, reminded of this fuzzy warm memories of her

Any distinct memory Luka had of this girl who disappeared when she moved out of town so she had to move middle schools, and most the talk went with her seems to go with her. And they rushed back once he saw her again, it was as if she seemed to kick a bit of juice back into his tired brain.

The last time Luka saw her was when they were in this stupid history class and personally he had spent a good amount of time just coasting through the day. Massacring her notebook in the back of the class, she took every nugget of knowledge. Luka didn't even know her name, But he had seen glimpses of her throughout the school year, and she had just given him a pencil so he could write.

Last week it was notebook paper, this time one of her favorite pencils, with a little rabbit circle eraser wrapped around the bright dumb classic pencil.

Fall favorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora