| " entrance exams "

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" talking "
(Thinking )

Scaramouche PoV :

I enter the building and sat down to where i listened to a banana man explaining the entrance exam. In the middle of him talking, four eyes rose his hand up.

" Excuse me sir, I have a question ! " he said. " HIT ME! " banana replied back in a unprofessional manner. " On the print out, you've listed four types of villains. Not three. With all respect. If this is an error of U.A official materials is shameful. We are exemplary students, we expect the best from japans most noble school. A mistake such as this won't do. Additionally you with the unkept hair. " He explained in full detail. ( Just like how Cyno would with his jokes )

" H-huh? Me—? " broccoli boy said in suprise. " You've been muttering this whole time , stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously then leave. You're distracting the rest of us. " Four eyes lectured like a strict teacher. ( Talk about annoying. 🥱🙄 ). " s-sorry " grass boy managed to mutter out. " ALRIGHT , ALRIGHT. EXAMINEE NUMBER SEVEN ONE-ONE-ONE. THANKS FOR CALLING IN WITH YOUR REQUEST! " Banana man saving four eyes from embarrassing himself even more than he has.

The loud man proceeds to explain the entrance exam which took a total of 15 minutes atleast. I sigh deeply letting myself relax after that boring speech. I look at my paper once again to see that i landed myself in battle centre G.

I go over to the designated place i was supposed to be in to see an entire city block. Oh, as well as that annoying banana again on top if a really long building. " RIGHT! LETS START! " We all look up to see present mic up on the roof of a tower. " GET MOVING! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN BATTLES! RUN RUN LISTENERS , YOURE WASTING TIME HERE! " He said making a circling movement forward.

( I knew that already anyways. ) I smugly thought already being ahead of everyone else. Hawks lectured me about this during one of his patrols that i decided to come along with.

After searching for a while, i came across a three- pointer. ( Perfect , just what i need. ) i thought in satisfaction. The robots eyes became an even brighter red, i assumed that meant it spotted me. A grin forms on my face , evily.

( author here, i would just like to remind you if you didnt already know, that this  scaramouche is the one right after the boss fight. Meaning that he never became wanderer or got hidden by nahida yet. To all those who might say he uses anemo now and not Electro. But, should i make it so that he somehow gets his vision in this world or you wouldnt want to see that? )

I extend my hand forward creating lighting, i didnt end up completely destroying it. Why you might ask? Well, i studied before hand about these robots after Hawks accidentally spill out some info about the exam. The only reason i studied about them was to learn how to control them.

After going through that mess, the robot shut down. I waited a few second looking at my imaginary wristwatch. The robots eyes blinked from dull to red , indicating that i know i have full control.

With this, i dont have to do much anymore. I sent the robot to go kill- i mean destroy the other robots. While it was doing that, i went out to search for more to make my army bigger.

After a few minutes , you could see that i was basically dominating this battle centre. Best thing, people could be destroying my robots but it wouldnt count since its already mine. Im sure the principal is aware about my plan already. So theres no mistaking that those points are mine guaranteed. All i have to do is sit back and relax watching from afar.

I thought enjoying the chaos i made from a safe view on top of one of the tallest buildings.

—Maybe this is a fresh start, for me.

Edited ✔️ | 1.21.23

Scaramouche Meets MhaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon