| " counselling

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Izuku PoV :

We were all very curious about the violent boy. So we all decided to try to talk to him — but surprise, surprise he just decided to ignore us. The nurses got nothing about him, not his name, age, parents, quirk, nothing. Many different kinds of people came here and tried to make him talk, or at least mutter a word. He was really distant and mysterious, but when the day finally came and he talked. It wasn't really calming i should say. Us three were expecting it, but it was still still pretty surprising to say the least.

( flashback )

A councillor came into our room a few days back to see if he had any luck with him.

" hello, im —— would you mind telling me yours? " the councillor's first attempt, which didn't really work as expected. " ' ehem ' right, let's get started shall we? Let's talk about feelings. " the mere mention of feelings made the boy grumble angrily.

This councillor wasnt like others. As in the others would try to be nice to him, show him comfort and reassurance to get him to talk — but this councillor wasnt trying to do that at all. In fact, he was doing the opposite.

" I'll go first. I feel , unhappy at the moment. " the boy rose one eyebrow up in confusion and made eye contact with the councillor. " I feel unhappy , because you arent talking to me or the nurses. " the boys expression quickly faded into an angry and annoyed one. He turned his head away angrily.

" Now it's your turn. " the boy didnt even bat an eye and just continued to ignore him.

And somehow, in that very moment . The councillor knew exactly what buttons to push. The ones that would make him snap.

" I feel pity for you.. All alone, no parents, no friends, where are the people that should've been looking for you? " The boys eyes widened at the unexpected comment. He turned his head to make eye contact with the councillor , he gave him a hateful glare. " Believe us, when i say all we wanna do is help you— "

" w-ell I don't w— ant any he—lp! "

Even though his voice was quite, scratchy, and he said it in almost like a whisper shout. It was as clear as day to everyone who was in the room.

" and why is that? " the councillor decided to push this conversation and dragged it out even more. " b—ec-ause im no-t weak. A—and I dont need yo—ur pity! "

It was quite clear what this boys mindset is. Reaching out for help was a sign of weakness to him.

" I understand where youre coming from — but needing help isnt at all being weak. In fact, i think that saying i need help, is the strongest and most bravest thing anyone could ever say or do. "

The boy was in complete shock by the councillors words. To him, it was what he needed to hear. What he needed to accept.

Tears streamed down the boys face as the advice was sinking in.

" a—and why is t—hat..? " he decide to engage into the conversation first this time. " Because its always hard to admit you can't do this alone. It hard to admit that you need help, not matter how strong, or weak you are. Most people say it damages their pride. Maybe thats why "

" may—be thats why w—hat? "

" maybe thats why it makes a person strong to say i need help, i can't do this alone, it shouldn't be looked down upon that people need help. That's maybe why you think this way. " the councillors words were true in every way. The room was silent after hearing this.

" Oh- i should be leaving now. You I can request me again if you want, cause im not coming back if you dont want me to. " the councillor said as he motioned towards the door. But before he left, he felt something tugging at his sleeve.

" Scaramouche. My n—ames sc—aramouche. " he was crying big fat tears, not just because of the pain he was experiencing — but also because the feeling of not being as weak as he thought he was eased his mind.

The councillor just said nothing and gave him a warm smile. He was about to open the door but suddenly stooped mid-way.

" Till' next time, right Scaramouche? "

Update schedule :
- every day unless stated otherwise
- I will be adding when i have been updating this book to the end of
Each chapter for you two know if i have made a chapter today or not.

: Edited — ✔️ | 12.22.2022

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