Coming Out - K. MJ x Reader

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It was a normal sight to see. Minji unnie and Haerin-ssi were the Tom and Jerry of the group. While I was the cold and calm rapper of the group.

"Alright* alright! We have a music video shoot tomorrow so let's all go to bed," Minji unjie said as she pushed Haerin-ssi off her.

- Minji POV -

The next morning we all got picked up early in the morning to shoot our MV.

It would be y/n-ah's first comeback and only her second time acting for a music video so I was a bit nervous for her.

"Are you alright?" I asked her as arrived at the shooting location.

"Mhm," She simply responded.

Y/n was never one to really show what she was really feeling. She always waited until we were alone and behind closed doors to say anything.

In reality, she was a really sweet and sensitive kid. It was cute to see her all vulnerable when needed to talk about something.

As the day went by, I started to worry more about y/n-ah. She was being colder and quieter than usual.

"Maybe she regrets telling me her secret," I thought to myself.

"Okay! In this scene, you're going to give y/n-ssi a ppoppo while seating in the a circle," The director explain.

"Oh oh, that's not a good idea" I thought to myself.

It not because I didn't want to kiss y/n-ah.... but because I didn't want the other members to kiss her.

I liked that she searched for me when she needed someone.... now that I knew she likes girls.... I didn't want to lose her to another member....

"Y/n-ssi, make sure your smile grows after each kiss!" The director yelled as the marker was being set.

Y/n had joined the team to add a bit more of a relatable member to our team. We had a very youthful and fun group, but as we got a bit older the company realized not all teenagers are happy and cheery all the time.

Although y/n idol persona was cold, the purpose of her joining was to give all the kids a member to relate to when they felt down.

"Ready? Action!" The director yelled.

One by one we all circled y/n and kissed her cheek.

First was me, then Dani, then Hyein, then Haerin, and lastly Hanni.

"Cut!" The director yelled.

"Y/n-ssi, a we need a wide smile. With your teeth!" The director told y/n-ah and she nodded.

We did the scene at least 5 times, but y/n-ah didn't seem to get it right.

"Let's all change positions," I suggested.

"Yeah, let's see if that works!" Hanni agreed.

"Is that okay, y/n unnie?" Danielle asked and y/n just gave us a nod.

"Why are you being so difficult? What's wrong?" I kept on thinking.

I hadn't even realized we had started shooting already. It was my turn and I panicked as I realized it was my turn.

I went for the kiss but y/n-ah accidentally turned her head because I took too long and I kissed her on the lips.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I realized.

All the girls were shocked and laughing. I couldn't help but blush when I noticed the wildest smile on y/n-ah's face.

"She's blushing!" Hanni started to tease y/n.

Newjeans Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora