March Through History

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To start i would like to say thank you for giving me this chance as this is my first time writing something i would actually and genuinely enjoy. Essays would only want to make me smash my head against a table and that definitely would not be enjoyable.

this first chapter is simply going to be a timeline so all of us readers will be up to date on the history of this story. Then i can begin to write a proper prologue to this story, but without wasting anymore time I bring you the timeline of The Orion Wars.

P.S:the mentioned non cannon aliens is a product of the mad-lad genius Alex Ries and i seriously recommend you check his artwork it some top notch stuff.


3 billion BCE-precursors begin to leave the path kethona/large magellanic cloud and become a true extra-galactic civilization by exploring neighboring galaxies in the local group cluster such as the small magellanic cloud, miliky-way, andromeda, SagDEG, and the Canis major dwarf galaxy.

1 billion BCE-precursors achieve what would be known by the forerunners and ancient humans as a tier 0 civilization capable of immense feats such as creation of the star roads and even the bending of space and reality to other dimensions separate from slip-space to acquire and satiate energy demands, some theories and speculations say that this had become so mundane that it was relegated to what could be acquitted as the work-force or lower income families of the precursors.

500 million BCE-the great glow was most likely an initiated front by the precursors instead of being a natural phenomenon as most forerunners predicted. with this great glow came the formation of most life in the mentioned galaxies via seeding from the precursors who seemed to prefer a bipedal upright walking four limb base for the intelligent species that were seeded throughout the galaxies.

500-15 million BCE-what can be summed up from the beginning of the great glow to the forerunners rise to a tier 4 civilization by their standards is the development and evolution of life in the galaxies, not much is known during this time simply because no sapient species had evolved or industrialized enough to be remembered and the precursors simply didn't record most of this period as well either from a lull in motivation or simply a cultural and or emotional stagnation of the species.

15 million BCE-the precursors begin another seeding on a much smaller scale in the now Orion arm of the milky-way, again preferring the bipedal base, they seed the planets of Ghibalb, Erda, and Janjur-Qom with the forerunner, ancient human, and san'shyuum with the civilizations quickly becoming a tier 4 bordering on tier 3 scale with the forerunners quickly outpacing the humans and san'shyuum in technological and cultural advancements.

15-10 million BCE-this time period would be come to known to when the forerunners were a subservient race of the precursors relegating most of their administration and lower skilled jobs to the forerunners, as this continued on though the precursors seemed to become less and less involved in the matters of life in the galaxies until they simply all receded back to path kethona/large magellanic cloud in 12 million BCE for some unknown reason, simply seeking to passively observe the galaxies from their home.

10 million BCE-as the precursors had left the galaxy behind, only their artifacts remain to remember them by which the forerunners of the time used to rapidly begin expanding their borders and rediscovering the precursor artifacts, one such artifact led to the rediscovery of what the precursors ordained as the mantle of responsibility in which one species would help to safeguard all life and promote that everything has a right to exist, the forerunners seeing this quickly proclaimed that they were the inheritors of the mantle but that was not so as the precursors had chosen humanity to be the chosen race to inherit this mantle, enraged when they learned that such an inferior race to ones such as them would be inheritors of this mantle the forerunner warrior caste vowed to the recently formed ecumene that they would not rest until the foul precursors were brought to heel beneath the might of forerunners, with this proclamation the entire might of the forerunners was brought to the edge of the milky-way on a course to path kethona which had been recently discovered to where the precursors  had fled and their location found in an old navigation log that someone had forgotten to purge, with a course set well over 30 trillion troops and hundreds of thousands of warships the forerunners set out for path kethona in a systematic purge of the precursors in a war that may have well lasted for over a millennia but resulted in what was thought to be the complete cleansing of the species, only in later records would we learn the falsity of these claims.

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