what? no, i told her to leave you
alone after that night we came over
to watch movies

so you not even interested in a
threesome with me anymore?

nah you made it pretty clear after that
night, so we both agreed to leave you alone
at least i thought

well she must have been putting on
for you, cuz my dm's telling a whole
different story.

do you have any screenshots or something?
just so i know you not playing with me?

I looked over at Tulia, "Sunni was rightttt, she literally said Alana probably didn't know nothin' about it!"

She shook her head, "Looks like she was... I have an idea though, hold on." She went to her contacts and found Sunni's number. "You need to call Alana so you can explain everything and send the screenshots. While you talkin' to her I'll call Sunni, so she can hear everything."

I smiled, "That's why you my bestie you so fuckin' smart," and I gave her a kiss on the cheek, going back to Alana and I's messages.

let me have your number so I can call
you and explain more in detail

ok, it's 912-340-****

I went and put the number in my phone while Tulia called Sunni. The phone rang for a minute and Sunni answered, sounding tired. "Wassup Tulia, you and Deity good?"

I smiled at that being her first thought as Tulia responded, "Yea we good, but we need you to listen in on a phone call. Deity's about to call Alana, so try to stay quiet."

"Oh? Ok, I'm listening. I'm on speaker phone?" She asked, and Tulia gave her a short yes.

"Good, hey my pretty lady." Tulia rolled her eyes and playfully gagged while I giggled.

"Hey my baby, be quiet for me."

She gave an okay and I pressed the dial button to call Alana. It rung twice maybe before she answered. "Um, hey, this Aphrodite?"

I nodded like she could see me, "Hey Alana it's me, I didn't wanna send everything to you at once and confuse you so I'll explain it as I go."

"Alright I'm listening..."

I began explaining the first few dm's Megan sent to me, and as I kept going down the timeline of messages, I sent the screenshots to match. I didn't want her to have any suspicion that I was lying so I got straight to the point. I also sent her screenshots from the few times Megan slid up on Sunni's story saying stuff about me. Then I sent her the recent discovery of Megan viewing my story from her spam account.

Alana listened, reading the messages in surprise. It was now obvious from her reactions that she really had no idea Megan was doing this.

When I finished she took a deep breath, sighing. "Aphrodite I am so sorry, I didn't know nothing about this. After we agreed to leave you alone I really thought she didn't want the threesome anymore. And I definitely didn't know she was disrespecting you and Sunni's relationship like this."

"It's ok you didn't know, and I'm sorry about this too. I know y'all are together." It couldn't have felt good to see your significant other basically begging for someone else's attention.

"I mean it's not your fault, Megan 'den lost her damn mind is what it look like... I'll talk to her about it and see what she says, hopefully I can get her to leave you alone."

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