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I felt my heart beat through my chest, breathing heavy as I settled down on the mat. I could feel the sweat gathering in my boxing gloves, so I shoved them off beside me.

My gaze fixated on the black punching bag in front of me, then to the gym around me. Heavy footsteps, grunts, and the sound of gloves meeting the bags took over my hearing, but not so much that I couldn't focus on myself.

I come here often, the boxing gym I mean. It was a hobby I took up after I graduated high school, a way to release stress and to stay active.

I haven't been in a few weeks because I temporarily lost motivation. But after the session I just had, I don't doubt I'll be back in the next week.

I grabbed my gloves from beside me and made my way to the lockers, careful to avoid others personal spaces. I put in the combination and grabbed my belongings, turning to the benches so I could slide on my pullover.

"Wassup Sunni." I heard a familiar voice from behind me, turning to see Kiara.

Kiara was somewhat like an old gym buddy. When I first started coming here, she was the first to show me new techniques and sorts. We worked out together for the first few months, but our schedules got too busy.

Even after that we still kept in contact, or spoke, like now.

"Wassup Ki, I ain't seen you in a minute." I replied, holding my fist out so we could greet one another. She did the same and we dapped up.

"I know, shit I ain't been able to come much recently. My ole' lady been keeping me busy." She shook her head, though a smile still surfaced on her face.

"You lyin', you and Mya still together?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah we are, still going strong," she chuckled.

I nodded, happy for her. "That's what's up, you know I been rootin' for y'all since the beginning."

Back when Kiera and I were consistent, Mya would always come and sit in the gym, just waiting for Kiera. No matter how much time we went over, she always stayed and walked out with her afterwards.

I used to tell Kiera she was keeper, even when she doubted it.

"I know man, and I appreciate it."

I grabbed my water bottle, chugging down half of the liquid.

"Well how you been? Anybody you seein'?" Kiera asked genuinely.

My mind immediately went to Aphrodite and I couldn't help the way my heart fluttered. The past few weeks of knowing her has awakened my romantic desires in a way I didn't expect. She was kind to me, and not judge mental in slightest—quite the opposite of what I'm used to.

"Yeah I been seein' this woman recently..." I replied, hiding my face partially because I was smiling like an idiot.

"Aw shit, Sunni den' found a boo." Kiera teased, smirking at me.

"Maybe I have-" I began, but the sound of my phone ringing cut me off. I grabbed it from my pocket to see the caller id.

The familiar title made me smile, being that I was just speaking of her.

"This is actually her right now, do you mind?" I asked, not wanting to just cut her off.

"Naw it's good, I need to get to my session anyway. I hope she treating you well, Sunni." Kiera nodded, moving towards her locker.

"She is Ki, see you soon." I grinned, slinging my duffel bag over my shoulder.

I quickly made my way out of the gym so I could call Aphrodite back in the car.

The breeze hit me directly in the face as I walked out of the building. I pulled my keys out the bag and went to my car, setting my bags down in the backseat first. I then got inside and dialed back Aphrodite's number. It rung for a few seconds before she picked up.

"Sunni baby, are you busy?" She asked, voice soft.

I shook my head, as if she could see me. "No, I'm not. I just left the gym that's why I didn't pick up."

"The boxing gym right?" I could hear the questionable tone in her voice. I had mentioned to her that I boxed, but I didn't think she would remember.

"Yes, the boxing gym." I assured her, heart swelling at the simple action. "Do you need somethin' sweetheart?"

"No, not really, just wanted to see what you've been up to..." She inquired shyly, signaling for me to elaborate on my day.

I sighed, "I went to the office earlier today, but I left early so I could run some errands, and also because everyone there was pissin' me off. Then I came here and got a nice session in, so I'm kind of worn out." I told her honestly, chuckling a bit.

"It sounds like it..." She paused for a moment before hesitantly speaking, "Will you still be able to come tonight?"

Since Aphrodite's brother, Syrus, was in town this whole week, she wanted to make the most of it. Her first festivity was the movie night she was hosting today, and she invited me along with some other people. I could tell baby girl really wanted me to come, and she got worried when her plans fell through.

I was a little tired but that didn't mean I would bail on her, that thought never crossed my mind.

"Yes I'm still comin' pretty lady, don't worry about that." I assured.

The line went silent for a minute before she spoke up, "You know when you call me that I lose my train of thought."

I chuckled at her comment. "Really?"

"Yes, and no I won't elaborate," she added, making me laugh even harder.

"You don't have to pretty lady," I smirked. "I'll see you later tonight ok?"

"Ok Sunni baby... go home and take a nap or something. You deserve the rest." Deity replied, and I bit my lip.

"Will do, see you in a bit."

And with that, the line went dead. I let out a sigh of happiness, my head falling back against the seat.

This woman...

After basking in my love-stricken thoughts for a minute, I finally pulled out of the parking lot to go home. I was planning on doing exactly what baby girl said, showering and taking a nap.

I was afraid the excitement of seeing her again would keep me up though...


a lil filler before we get into sum fun things.

how did you enjoy the chapter?

i love you all, don't forget it <3

take me where your heart is.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu