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Aphrodite (aka Deity/Dot)

I grabbed my my Marc Jacobs tote bag from beneath my cabinet. I had finished cleaning my station about thirty minutes ago, and I was just now getting around to leaving the salon.

I grabbed my lanyard out of my tote and walked towards the door, waving goodbye to everyone. They waved back and told me to be safe.

The familiar night breeze hit me in the face as I walked to my car. Several bright lights illuminated the streets, before being dimmed by the tint of my car windows. I sat my things down in the backseat and crank the car up, hearing the engine come to life.

After connecting my blue tooth I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. I was hungry again, but not for a full meal. On the way home I figured I'd stop at Sonic to get a side of tater tots.

Yeah, that sounded real good right about now.

As I came up on a red light, I grabbed my phone quickly to dial Tulia's number. The ringing took over the car speakers and I immediately turned it down.

"Heyyy my favorite person in the whole wide world." Tulia dragged out her greeting, making me smile.

"Hello to my favorite person too. I'm about to stop at Sonic for a snack, do you want anything?"  I asked, pulling into the drive thru.

"Umm, can you just get me some fries?"

I nodded though she couldn't see me, "Yes I will. I'm in the drive thru right now I'll be home in a minute."

"Ok babylove, I'll see you. Also, I got some shit to tell you." She responded.

I furrowed my eyebrows but brushed it off. It was probably some college gossip.

"Alright, love you."

"Love you too." She replied, then the call dropped.

I lie my head against the car window and let out a sigh. I was so tired it ain't make no sense.

Later than I'd have liked, I finally moved up some in the line until I could order. I rolled the window down and waited for someone to take my order.

"Welcome to Sonic, what can I get for you?" Came a voice from the loud speaker.

I sat my head up a bit, "Umm, can I get a side of fries and a side of tater tots?/ Barbeque sauce and ketchup for the sauces."

It was silent for a moment before they spoke up. "Ok I got you, will that be all?"

"Yes that's it."

"Alright, $4.90 at the window."

"Thank you," I replied.

I pulled up to the window as I was told. I decided to pay with cash since it was so cheap. A woman slid open the window and recited the total to me. I grabbed a five dollar bill from my wallet and handed it to her.

"Keep the change," I added, nodding to her.

She smiled, making eye contact with me, "Thank you, you're really pretty."

"Thank you sweetie."

The girl was cute too, her hair was down in a low puff but it looked to be dyed honey blonde. She had light brown skin, and features that gave away her blackness. There were several piercings on her nose and she had a lip piercing as well. Her nametag read "Rowan."

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