Coming back

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(All pictures used are from pinterest im not the owner)

"Little miss we've arrived" Toni said snapping me out of my thoughts. He pulled up to a big Gold gate.

He pressed a button with a controller in his car. 'Good too know' i said to myself.

He entered through the path passing large pine trees that filled the areas from left to right leaving the path clear. We came upon a huge driveway that held two cars. A white Mercedes Benz, and a black dodge challenger.

I rolled my eyes at the house that held not so good memories, it still looked the same.

(One angle of the house)

The house sat right above a hill over the ocean

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The house sat right above a hill over the ocean.

"Still the same i see" i said as i stepped out the car. "Yes it is indeed little miss nothing's really changed" toni yelled out from the back of the trunk as he took out my suitcases.

I looked around taking in every detail i remember from this place. "Come on in miss" toni said leading me up the stairs. He opened the double glass wooden doors.

I entered the house looked around as it has changed a bit inside. From tne furniture to the painting of the walls and decorations

(So yea an idea of what it kind of looks like inside. Only 3 times bigger)

I looked around noticing the balconies on the left and right and straight down the middle which overlooked the beach and mountains

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I looked around noticing the balconies on the left and right and straight down the middle which overlooked the beach and mountains. It was breathtaking. Im guessing they had some renovating done through the years.

I turned my head towards the stairs as i heard footsteps. Looking up i saw my mother with her Brown long hair in a messy bun and her blue eyes twinkling. She was wearing sweat pants and an oversized white t-shirt.

Guessing it was my fathers. He was following behind her with his semi curly straight platinum blonde hair in a mess and his blue eyes also kind of twinkling?

He had no shirt on displaying his muscles that i did not need to see and he was also wearing a pair of sweatpants.

Once they reached the end of the stairs they stared at me from my feet to the top of my head.

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