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[A/N: Hello, this is an age gap fic. I was confused at first with their age, but the scenario's in my head went for childhood fluff, so here ya go. Hahahahhaha. That's why... enjoy!!! ]

"Hello, Hyung! We meet again!"

Yoo Joonghyuk looks down and notices the boy he recently saved. His complexion has improved from his previous pale appearance. The presence of a lunch box in his hands suggested that he was eating well.

He goes to the middle school right next to his high school. He jumped onto the fence and looked at the boy. His lunch box only contains rice. He was disappointed in himself for believing he was eating well. He sat next to the boy. He opened his lunch, which was filled with charred goods, but he didn't mind and gave some to Dokja.

The boy looked at him but gave him a smile while saying thank you. He observed him devouring the food presented to him as if it were the finest delicacy the world had to offer.

Somehow, he can't think straight when this boy smiles at him.

He looked peaceful and clearly enjoyed his life. He looked like someone who didn't have friends.

Does my presence give him that sense of security?

Kim Dokja's distant expression turned bright and pleasant when he saw him. That gloomy atmosphere eventually died down when this child saw him.

"You don't have friends?"

"You are," the boy replied with a huge grin.

It made him shiver. There is an age difference to consider. However, as caring and tender as he may be, he couldn't ignore this child, who even tried killing himself by jumping from that railing.

He raised his hand and reached out. He patted his head and said with a smile, "It's my pleasure that I am your very first friend."

He had the impression that whenever he saw his smiling face, there was happiness all around him. He'd look at him to see how those smiles developed. Whether it's naivety or genuine admiration. That's how he tried to understand the child in front of him.

He continued to keep an eye on him every day after that. He would observe him from a distance with a solemn expression. He captured every moment of his laughter and smiles. He remembered what he would see and say. He would occasionally teach him. His eyes are filled with ideas and thoughts.

His imagination became a glimpse of his mind.

He wanted to be free.

He dreamed of being free and rich, which made him laugh.

He's only recently realized that when he's not looking, he's worried about what might happen to him.

He wanted to keep him safe and secure, to gently wrap him in his arms. He wanted him to share his concerns and demonstrate how to take turns and let go.

He was determined to keep the precious him safe.

He never expected to see him in the rain after days of laughter.

He never expected to see his tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I had nowhere to run."

His pitiful voice. His tone was sad.

Blood pours down his cheeks. His white uniform was muddled and stained with blood.

"I don't have anywhere to go..."

He approached him quietly, holding out his hand with a bitter smile.

But he couldn't stop himself.

He waited for him where they first met.

"You're the only one who came to mind."

Hearing those heartbreaking words, he reached out and drew him into his arms. He simply embraced him and patted him on the back.

"There's only one chance, Kim Dokja."

You only get one chance to be honest and tell him everything. He wanted to help him, but he won't know if he doesn't say anything.

"For me, it has always been "once."

Kim Dokja responded quietly. His voice was slowly swallowed by the sound of raindrops.

"I'm tired..."

Yoo Joonghyuk knew that Kim Dokja was tired of everything. He wanted to give up. He wanted to end it.


He came to him.

He came to him for comfort.

He thought of him and struggled to wait even when he might not come.

"Please forgive me," Kim Dokja said, "you're the only one I can run to."

"Hey..." Yoo Joonghyuk looked at him and patted his head, "let's go to my place for now. You're soaked. You might get sick."

He removed his school coat and draped it across Kim Dokja's shoulder. He allowed him to take cover under his small umbrella. He walked slowly, matching Kim Dokja's strides.

"I feel bad..." said the younger one, "it feels like I'm imposing too much on you."

"Don't feel bad..." he advised.

"Why?" Kim Dokja inquired, "We're good as strangers... and it's strange that I'm relying on you like this... even if you're the only one who came to mind... isn't this too much?"

Yoo Joonghyuk kept walking as if he hadn't heard anything.

When the rain began to fall harder, he asked, "Does that matter?"

Kim Dokja gave him a look.

"I'm your friend in this life, right? So it's reasonable to expect me to help you."

"Life" is such a broad term; it encompasses so many different things, and everyone's experience with it is unique. There's a lot of sh*t going on right now. There always is, but lately, it's been especially sharp and thorny, and people sometimes need someone to put it into words that they don't have. Words that acknowledge the pain and how difficult life can be.

Their lives may not be the same, but they're already connected because he saved him that night.

The depths of their lives may be different but—

"Time does not heal wounds to make you forget; it does not heal wounds to erase memories; it leaves you with a scar to remind you of how you fought through it; it leaves you with a scar to remind you of how you bled and how you survived."

He stated firmly.

"But Ja-ah... You made it."

He smiled at Kim Dokja.

"It might not be now or later... but if you survive, you'll find out why life was so cruel to you..."

Because in every suffering.

"You will have the most magnificent happiness that no one can have."

That is why...

"There's only one chance."

Giving up on life is not the last resort.

It's a punishment, a mortal sin.

However, there were times when an angel in disguise appeared.

"As your friend, I'll be your companion until you find that happiness... Endure what's there and live with it... there's a greater reward in not giving up."

It was the irony of life that both of them would soon face.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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