"Kook Princess"

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"MY GOD CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT?" Rafe started screaming at me. Again. This has been the 5th time this week we were arguing/fighting about something stupid. This time it was about me leaving a dirty cup in the sink. "Rafe it was just a dirty cup. No need to argue." "OH SO NOW YOU WANT TO TALK BACK AT ME?" he started walking up to me which made me scared. But i knew that if i walked away he would get MUCH more madder. He grabbed my arm and started squeezing it. "RAFE STOP" I was trying to shake his hand of but he was too strong. I manged to wiggle away. I ran away to the front door, i was putting my jacket until rafe grapped me by my arm again. "RAFE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU PSHYOPATH" I think that made him made cause he PUNCHED me across my face with his bare fist. And he did that 3 times. I was bleeding. From my mouth. Blood dripping out. I stood there... thinking he would hit me again. I looked at him seeing tears in his eyes. And for some reason it made me feel bad. I coughed the blood out almost chocking. I ran out, crying and still bleeding. I wanted to go to my car until i bumbed into a guy. "Wow i'm sorry." he said. "No no it's okay uhm." i was looking at my feet cause i didnt want who ever he was to see my scars on my face. "You can look at me Y/n." i reconized the voice. It was John B. I looked up. His eyes widend. "Oh my what happen Y/n?" "Rafe. That's what happend..." "Do you wanna help me with something?" John B asked. I wasn't friends with him so i was pretty shocked. "With what?" "I will tell you, can we use your car?" "Sure."

"So you're telling me that you're on a tressure hunt for something named the Royal Merchant? And what does it have to do with me?" "Nothing. I just thought you might wanna help me out?" "Oh well i do have a story to tell you that might help you out." "Shoot" "My dad once told me that a guy named Denmark Tanny bought whats now our land with gold. His painting is hanging in his office." for a moment it was silent. "Denmark Tanny... don't know. Wait." he started to pull over. He then grabbed a peace of paper out of his pocked. It was a paper full of names. "Here. Denmark Tanny. He was also searching for the Royal Merchant." he started driving again. It was silent the whole ride. He stopped at a house. "Cmon." he walked out of the car and so did i and threw my car keys at me. "Look who we have here JOHN B" A guy with a beer in his hand started walking over to him. I was standing about 6 feet away from John B. "Got a new car huh? Or did you steal it cause theres NO WAY you can pay that." I reconized him. It was JJ. JJ Maybank. The guy has hated me since the day that we met. It's because im a Kook. "It's not mine. It's her" He pointed at me. That's when Kiara and Pope also walked throwards us. "John B whats up!" pope raised his arms. "Y/n Cameron?" JJ said. "JOHN B WHAT THE HELL IS Y/N CAMERON DOING HERE."  Kiara started screaming. Me and Kiara have history together. Long story short. She was a kook, we were best friends, and then we drifted apart. But she has told everyone that I BETRAYED her. "CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT UP. SHES HERE TO HELP US FIND THE ROYAL MERCHANT." John B was screaming back. "JOHN B LISTEN. SHES A KOOK. SHE DOESNT BELONG ON THIS SIDE." JJ said. "YEAH, JJS RIGHT. SHES A KOOK PRINCESS."

                                                                              To be Continued...

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