[011] the right arm.

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the right arm.

THE GROUP WERE ALL HUDDLED IN THE CAR MARCUS KNEW TO BE BERTHA. They were speeding down a road, Newt in the front with Jorge who drove whilst the others sat in the back. The trip was silent for the most part, some chatter here and there but otherwise they were quiet; instead of talking, they thought about the Right Arm. They had no clue what it was like, how many people there were, but they were ecstatic to find out.

The view was rather bare, not many trees found other than a few scattered around; they eventually drove into the mountains, a narrow valley inside. The car came to a stop as wrecked cars blocked to road, obviously old and partially rusted. 

They got out of the car, cautiously walking forward as Jorge spoke up. "Well, I guess we're on foot." He said letting out a sigh. They moved forward, looking around as they walked. It was quiet, some briefly looking through the cars for anything that may have been deemed useful. 

Crows cawed in the distanced before the silence was shattered by a gunshot. "Get down!" Jorge called out as they all ducked behind cars to block themselves from the gun fire. Newt, Oizys, and Minho ducked behind one car, Minho subconsciously covering the girls body with his own. Despite the stressful and rather dangerous situation, Newt couldn't help but raise a brow and lightly smirk smirk at the boy which Minho simply replied to with an eye roll. 

"Hey, is everyone okay out there?" Thomas called out. 

"We're fine." Teresa spoke.

"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Though, no one answered the British boy.

"That son of a bitch, Marcus. He led us into an ambush." Jorge muttered catching Thomas' attention. The man dug through a bag, not noticing Thomas poking his head over the hood of the car causing more gunshots to echo through the valley. 

"What do we do?" He asked frantically. 

"Here." Jorge replied, pulling out some sort of device. "Hold this." He handed it to Thomas, the boy looking at it confused. "We gotta create a diversion. You get ready to chuck it." Thomas was quick to realise what he had been holding was a bomb as Jorge pulled out the button to ignite it. "Everybody! Get set to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!" He warned the others. "Ready? One... two..." Before they could detonate the bomb, a gun cocked right beside them. 

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