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I keep making plans to stop me from killing myself

You can't die tomorrow you've already booked a movie ticket for that one festival film screening at the cinema near your apartment. It's a limited screening and you can't miss it for your life.

Not monday too, you gotta lead a meeting for next month's plan. Who's doing it for your team if not you?

Not next week, your boyfriend will come visit as he promised to fetch you your meds and bring it to you. The drive will be 500km long, you can't let him come home to a rotting corpse after that length of a drive.

Not next month also, your friend from out of town told you she wanted to meet you, for in a rare one in a million chance of occassion, she's coming to your city. And you miss her.

— I keep making plans to stop me from killing myself. It's the only way that worked.

Excerpts From A Book I'll Never WriteWhere stories live. Discover now