Meeting the Starks

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Summary: Peter and Harley have been dating for a year and Tony doesn't know. Harley tells him and Peter is invited to a dinner. Tony meets him and could not think of a better person to date his son. Harley is Tony's adopted son.

"Hey Dad... "

" What do you want "

"Umm so you know last year when I told you I had a date with that boy"

" oh yeah that was great, good blackmail material... You never did tell me how that went I just assumed it was not well. "

" wow thanks, by the way it went great. I was just wondering ummm if... If I told you that... Ummm"

"Spit it out kid come on"

" ummm..... I. I am still dating him?.... "

"Wait WHAT..... ! You have been in a year long relationship and never told me!! "

"Yes... It's our anniversary next week so I wanted to tell you, and I love him so much he's so perfect with the cutest smile and poofy hair and he's so happy and cute and precious and perfect.! "

" Jesus kid you've got it bad, I mean I'm happy for you but I have to meet him he is coming for dinner tonight call him now"

"Ok... I think he is free but I don't know if his aunt has a shift at the hospital so I don't know how he will get here but I'll ask"

Harley called Peter who accepted and said that May could bring him. He was nervous because it was Mr Stark and he definitely was not hyperventilating, what are you talking about.

Peter didn't know what to wear so he put on a white top with a checkered red and black shirt with blue jeans.

They got in the car and May drove them to the entrance where he was hoping to see Harley. But he was a bit early. He walked over to the reception to ask. Where he was told to take the elevator and got to the 93 floor.

Tony POV

I was sitting at the kitchen trying to work out this equation that I had been working on for a while when the elevator doors opened to show a shy looking boy with curly brown hair. He looked up and made eye contact.

" Umm h-hello Mr Stark. It's ummm n-nice to meet you"

" Hey kid are you here for dinner, no need to be nervous I'll go get Harley so come sit up here I'll be back in a minute"

" Thank you sir"

" Call me Tony"

3rd person POV

Peter went over to the side and saw the equation Mr Stark was working on and noticed it's mistake and wrote in down in the corner as we all know Peter can't just leave it.

Harley came running in and kept at Peter pulling him in for a kiss.

"Excuse me you two" Peter flushed bright red as he saw Mr Stark walk back into the room.

"Awww but I haven't seen my darlin' all day" Peter looked embarrassed and pushed his head into Harley's chest.

"Kids these days" muttered Tony walking over to the kitchen.

"Ok so how does spaghetti Bolognese sound do you lik-" Tony stopped talking as he spotted the addition on the paper.

" umm who did this? " Tony asked.

" I'm so sorry it was me I just spotted the error and corrected it I'm so sorry if that was important if you don't want me here I understand "
" kid slow down, don't worry you ok don't go anywhere. Harley.... Is this why you wanted me to do my work in the kitchen?!"

"Maybe...  I just wanted you to see how amazing Peter is" He said whilst pulling Peter in closer but his waist.

"Well you succeeded Peter where did you learn to do that? "

" I just love science, my uncle gave me some of Bruce Banners books and I loved them! "
" wait you understood them! "

" yes they were so good"

" Harley... "
" yes"

"Keep him"
"I was planning on it" Peter blushed and gave Harley a kiss on the cheek.

This was rubbish but I am struggling write more so hope you enjoyed please leave requests.  Thank you!!!!

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