Meeting the rogues

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Peter had been living in the tower for a year now after His aunt may passed away. Tony had signed the adoption papers and he was officially a Stark.

Peters POV

I woke up on the ceiling in my room in a hammock made of webs. Dad had told me that there would be some visitors arriving later in the day. I couldn't work out who though as pirate man was in Russia and nobody else really visited.

I went into the kitchen and poured myself some cereal before I set of to school. Happy had to go and pick up the guests so I had to take the subway.

School was ok, but I already knew everything being taught so I would spend my time making web fluid or catching up on sleep I missed from being on patrols. The only issue with school was...
" hey Puny Parker! " flash shouted.
"You ready for your daily beating or is your best friend Tony Stark come and Save you."
" The internship is not fake flash! " I mean It wasnt untrue...

After school ended I got on the subway and headed home to the tower.  I plugged headphones in and started listening to my music forgetting about the visitors that would be in the penthouse. The elevator doors opened and I waltzed across the floor in my own world. It was only when someone with a very familiar voice shouted.
" Hey Kid, what are you doing here" it was Captain America. Wait he hurt my dad.

this wasn't the best idea of my life but I had so much pent up anger from Germany that I full on slapped him round the face said "that's for what you did" and walked off to my room. My fatal error was not noticing all the other rogues in the room.

Steve's POV

"Did that kid just slap me?"

" yup" said the laughing Clint. who did that kid think he was, what did I ever do to him. I had never seen him before in my life but yet he held so much resentment. There only thing that I felt I could do was chase after him. I had a feeling he wasn't supposed to be here as he was only what 17 maximum and Tony would never accept a personal intern as he was most likely the same stood up drunk man he was before.

Fury had had all of us come and stay with Tiny Stank and I didn't want to be here. My suspicions were clearly confirmed as he hadn't arrived 45 mins after we agreed.

Anyway I chased after the kid.



"who even are you kid"
"My name is Peter Stark, and you are going to regret hurting my dad by the end of the night!!" he slammed to door between us on. I wasn't going to lie the kid scared me. But in a bigger note. TONY HAS A KID?!I
I ran back to tell the others when I saw the man himself sitting on the couch.
"Nice of you to finally join us Tony"

" sorry Steve I got caught up with some family troubles, speaking of family there is someone I would like you to meet. "

"Kid can you come out here"

"only if The captain is gone!! "

"how did you know he was one of the guests?"

I cleared my throat " I may of had a little run in with him earlier."
"he didn't seem particularly fond" I said pointing to my bruised cheek.

"Peter get out here now!"
" Fine"
The kid walked out his room. " don't get mad dad we both know I could have done a much worse to him."

"he was a guest peter"

"HE HURT YOU DAD THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR HIM LEAVING YOU THERE TO DIE!!!!!"is saw tears from in his eyes. Yeah I felt bad now...

" Hey hey hey kiddo its ok"  I watched as the once stone hearted Tony pulled the kid in for a hug comforting the now crying boy.

" look Peter... was it, I'm sorry I can't take back what I said and did but I want you to trust me"
" also how much harder could you of hit me that was pretty impressive in itself there's not much more you could have done just by by looking at you. "

" do I have permission to show you"
"Sure" I said knowing I would be able to handle it.
" kiddo just don't break the window"
"  WAIT WH-"
The kid punched me and I was sent flying across the room into a brick wall. wow I underestimated the kid.

"I didnnt expect that"
" right are you also going to apologise to me for the air terminal you so graciously THREW AT ME!? "


A/N hi I hope you enjoyed please leave requests. I'm sorry I didn't post for so long and thank you for 30 views!! If you want a part 2 let me know .

*peace out buttermelons*

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