The Dynamo Tynamo

Start from the beginning

Green: Yeah. You know what? We should go find them! We should find them to make sure that poor thing isn't caught by someone like Evelyn.

Ash: But shouldn't we be more focused on solving the problem at Chargestone Cave?

Cobalt: Ash, Evelyn said Tynamo are native to Chargestone Cave. If we find one, maybe we can be able to get a lead on the problem.

Ash: Hmm, you raise a fair point. But how do we find a Tynamo if they're rare?

Green: Well, we have no idea how a Tynamo behaves, what they eat, what they're attracted to, and we didn;t even know it existed until a few minutes ago. Cobalt... We need the old fashion way.

Cobalt: The old fashion way, are you sure?

Green nodded in agreement as Cobalt got to work. Before Ash could question what he meant by "the old fashion way", his Lucario suddenly began yelling out before jumping and spazzing while chanting some sort of odd gibberish, which honestly kind of distrubed him.

Ash: Cobalt, what are you doing?

Cobalt: Old fashion way. We do this dance and hollar to appease Lord Arceus and turn things to our favor.

Ash: No offense, but... I don't think that's going to work-

Suddenly, a young feminine scream sounds off in the distance, only to slowly get louder as a form crashes out from the bushes and barrels into Ash.

Green: See? What did I tell you?

Ash stepped back to see what barrelled into him, oly to be met with a short, white, eel-like Pokémon with dark, oval eyes and a red, four-point star-shaped mouth. A wavy, yellow stripe ran along its body, which also had a long fin membrane.

???: Help. Please... I need help!

Cobalt: Woah, woah, calm down now. What's going on? Who are you?

???: Cave.... People... Machines... Ga- *yelps*

Suddenly, a string of silk catches the Pokemon's back, reeling her back against her will.

???: Help me!

Ash: Cobalt, Metal Claw!

Cobalt used his paw spike to cut the web, freeing the Pokemon before another Pokemon crawls out. This one happened to be a large yellow hairy spider with blue eyes and dark blue fuzz behind it. It seemed to give off an intimidating demeanour as it raised its front limbs threateningly as Ash got out his Pokedex.

Green: What the hell is that?!

Pokedex: Galvantula, the EleSpider Pokémon. A Bug and Electric type. Galvantula attacks its prey by shooting electrically-charged silk threads. It lays traps of electrified threads near the nests of bird Pokémon, aiming to snare chicks that are not yet good at flying.

With a mixture of a chirp and snarl, the EleSpider reels back before jumping into the air towards the group.

???: Look out, it's gonna use Pounce!

The group jumps out of the way just as the Galvantula lands.

Ash: Cobalt, use Aura Sphere! Green, use Dragon Pulse!

Both attacks land on the arachnid, causing it to yelp and scurry off, possibly to "lick" its wounds before everyone pants and calms down.

Ash: Everyone okay?

Green: Just fine.

Cobalt: I just stubbed my toe... Ow.

???: I..... I'm okay. Thank you for helping me.

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