I was half a speck of their success. Not so much of a contribution, and it would never even seem like something was missing if they easily booted me out.

Everything about this sounded like a total nightmare that I didn't want to live through. I had kept a low profile for most of my life, and the negative attention my case would get was taking me on edge.

While I was sitting there with a cup of coffee in hand surrounded by people I'd never met before, I was ignoring that I was given 48 hours to make an appeal, the only considerate step they offered among the others. Funny because we all knew they wouldn't let me back in. I wanted to come out of this even-keeled, like I never would have minded any workplace sabotage.

Even if I was aware I shouldn't have been sitting there at all, that I should have been doing anything to fix things I never started, I found myself wanting to pretend for a while that this wasn't happening. I wanted to spring forth. To connect so I could feel something except helplessness.

I picked up my phone from the table and scrolled through the messages, giving a reply or two. Dread took a swing at me each time I opened a thread.


Seriously, if you need help, tell me.

Anything, ok? I'll back you up.

Have you called a physician lawyer? I'm sure you did nothing bad to get terminated.

Dude I'm dead serious they can't do this. Were you set up? Don't let them fuck with u. that's just illegal.

I'll settle this myself, but thank you, Tae.


Where are you?


Please just tell me that you're alright.

Babe, I am. Don't worry too much, ok?


Are you sure that you're coming over for lunch? Sounds great. Your mom will be happy.

Not so busy at work?

I replied: No, Dad. I already lost the job, and I wasn't planning on breaking the news to them today.

He texted again: Informed Mom. She will be making dumplings. Your favorite.

For some reason, that made me crack a smile.

With legs feeling heavier, I headed out and toward my car, my worries sinking with me as I settled in the driver's seat. They dug into my stomach. I tried my best to knock it back, although it didn't come easy. Leaning back into the seat, I shut my eyes and practiced the same breathing exercise my former therapist had always advised me to do. I whipped out my phone and unblocked a number, ringing it up for a minute before a voice thick with sarcasm went into my ears. "Jungkook, hey! This is a surprise! I knew you would come back begging to me. What do you want this time?"

My voice was tight as I said, "I was kicked out of the residency program, which I'll bet you've been informed about even before the decision was made."

I heard a faint fake gasp. "Oh? I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm not sorry for you at all."

TIME AFTER TIME ; jjkKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat