Which allowed her to reach ranges that she never was able to hit before with her old issued pistol from Blacksteel.

Meanwhile, Kroos and Jonathon were doing a sniper drill with a couple of other operators. Kroos was hitting almost every target down range with very little misses in accuracy. That was impressive in the latter's opinion.

Carmen and Lappland were using blanks on their targets, practicing a close-quarters combat drill on some unfortunate scarecrows. Daniel was leading Ch'en, Swire, and Hoshiguma in an urban combat drill using the barn and some sheds. This may be useful, especially for Swire who'd rather not get slashed again.

Foley and Dobermann over-watched everybody, helping out errors, making adjustments to posture. Exusiai was helping with her fellow comrades in Penguin logistics, leading in a shooting drill. She wasn't able to practice her NLAW skills today, but that was alright, basic shooting was all she really needed to stay polished up on.

The 2 shared a few laughs over all of the errors some of them were making. "Oh! Remember when Ch'en tried to combine swordsmanship with an SMG?" Exusiai remarked, giggling as she remembered Daniel trying to assist the Superintendent who was blocking an 'attack' and trying to use the SMG to dump led into the 'attacker'.

It was sound in principle, just was a little awkward as she Ch'en managed to get hot brass into her shoe.

It was funny watching Swire, Hoshiguma, Ptilopsis, and Daniel try and help her as she jumped around trying to get the shoe off, being angry of the whole situation.

Mudrock was exploring near the farmlands. Some of the operators watched her when she kneeled down to, as Blue Poison put it, speak to the earth.

Talk of the ranch and the events that happened stopped, when a waiter came, "Howdy, you fine folk." He begins, smiling down at them, "Ready to order?"

"Sure man, just some more coffee first, please?" Ramirez chuckles, pushing forward his Coffee cup and the waiter got out a pot of coffee and poured some in. Exusiai looked back at the menu to make sure she knew what she was getting, also passing up her cup, "Some more Sweet Tea would be nice!"

The waiter nodded and grabbed her cup, going over to a fountain dispenser and refilling it. He quickly brought it back, and got out a little tablet, "Alright then, waiting on you." He looks up at the 3, waiting to see who would go first.

Lana looked up proudly, ready to tell him what she wants to eat. The little girl's English was now getting better, and better, reaching the point where she can start having conversations with the rest of them. Ramirez and Exusiai gestured at the little Lupo - allowing her to order first - and she opened her mouth to speak.

"Waffles please!"

Lungmen Slums - United Nations Patrol Zones

"...hallelujah! His truth is marching on!" came from one of the speakers of an M3A3 Bradley team that was doing their daily patrol in the region. The Infantry had dismounted and was sitting on top of the vehicle, not bothering to sit inside where there was a bunch of MREs and supplies resting inside. This was not for them, rather it was for the civilians in the area. Some of these supplies were paid for by the UN, and they were ordered to start driving around in Hearts and Minds missions.

The TC and the Gunner of the IFV had their hatches open, and so did the driver, all of them getting the fresh air. The Infantry on the vehicle were armed with M5 Rifles, but with a bit of a change. The Department of Defense had ordered them to start melting down materials to have 3d Printers start making receivers and barrels that can accommodate slightly larger calibers, reaching into the .30-06 zone.

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