The Nap that Started it All

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"Your arm is mint, you almost had me . . ."

"He"ll beat you with that belt until you pass out. It hurts kid, it hurts real bad . . ."
       "You. Don't. Have. Much. TIME!"


             "Hey Finn, what's happening"

Finney gasped as he sprung up from his desk. All of his classmates turned & stared at him with unbearable eyes of pity. He hated that  he hated the ideas of being pitied. He hated the ideas of feeling anything at all. He hated the idea of being alive, alone, without Robin.

"Are you okay dear?" The teacher asked sympathetically.

      The curly hair boy shook his head. He was not okay. He hasn't been since the 9th if November in 1978, & it was the 1st of May in 1979. He knew for a fact that he couldn't go on like this, at least not for the day. Call him Melodramatic. but he doesn't think he'll ever be okay again.

"Would you like to go to the nurse?"

".   .   .  Yes." Finney said with a stiff nod.

          On that note, Finney left the classroom. When the nurse saw Finney, she immediately knew the drill. She called the boy's father & allowed the 13 year old to rest. After 30 minutes, he came & picked both of the Blake sibling up. Whe arriving home, the eldest of the children simply trudged his way upstairs & quietly shut himself away from the rest of the world.

        The boy just dropped down on the bed with a sigh. He turned to his nightstand &  stared longily at the photo set up. It was him flopped over, his sister giving him a dramatic look & a tired Robin who certainly didn't mind Finney Flopped over him. They had taken in at their last Christmas together.  He wished he could rewind the clock & have that again, to have Robin & the others alive *well again.   .   .


          Finneys entire body immediately jolted upwards. He looked at the time & saw it was 4:30 PM, the same time he had lied down on his bed. It wasn't until a few seconds later he finally registered those words. Before the boy could even correct her. He saw that it was the 1st of March on 1978. He did what he never expected to happen, travel back in time to his best friend's last birthday.


This is the Collab with 8Philip20Hamilton4. The Black Phone: Fix it au. I hope you enjoyed the first chapters, and more chapters to come Also so stay tuned

(P.s I'm writing the chapters that they wrote on to here)

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