part 1: the arrival..

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     In space:

             Sitting on her chair in her large ship, while looking out the window at the blank stars, Being bored as ever she saw a life signal alert on a near by planet called  'Earth'. She directed her ship towards the life signals in hopes to find auto-bots and not the decepticons..

A day later she came into sight of the planet, it was much different then her home world Cybertron. Coming into the atmosphere she strapped herself into her seat watching as she approached Earth.

Auto-bot base:
          "Optimus, there is a signal of a large cybertronian ship entering Earth's atmosphere" Rachet said slightly alarmed.

"Set coordinates for the location of it, auto-bots prepare to roll out" Optimus said with a stern but casual voice.

The auto-bots prepared for the bridge to open and got their weapons ready. "Wow! Can I come it's been a while since I've seen the action, I wanna see some action and if it's a good guy or bad guy!" Miko said excited as she ran over to bulkhead.

"No miko you know it is not safe for you out there , you have almost gotten killed multiple times already" jack spoke up from the human area

"Yes, I agree with Jack it would be advised if you remain here we do not know if the new-comer is a decepticon or an auto-bot, therefore it is not safe for you" Optimus said slightly turning towards miko.

"Awww man" Miko grumbled before walking back to the human area as the bridge opened and the auto-bots ran through.

"Maybe next time Miko" bulkhead said watching the little girl. Optimus glared at him.

With the new arrival:
       She slowly got up from her chair straining at the pain in her side from the impact, she was able to limp outside the ship and leaned against the side until she heard a bridge open a bit away from her, she transformed her servos into her larger plasma guns aiming towards the bridge.  

Three of the auto bots exited the bridge aiming there guns around before spotting the femme by a large ship pointing her guns are them. The femme was a short (a little taller then Arcee) slim black bodied seeker with highlights of red and blue with a optic visor on.

"Stay back I won't hesitate to shoot you" the femme said before coughing a little.

"We mean no harm to you, we just want to know what fraction you are and what your designation is" Optimus said with an easy voice. The others aiming there guns at her still not taking their optics off the strange femme.

"I'm a neutral, planning to join the auto *cough* bots, my designation is solarflare.." the femme said to the others before hearing another bridge open and all of them looking that way.

It was the desepticons.. exiting the bridge they aimed there guns at both the auto-bots and the new femme, as the auto-bots and the femme both aimed there guns at the desepticons while a short slim grey seeker with red highlights walked out from behind the vehicons. He walked closer to her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you screamer.." she growled before taking a step back.

"And why is that..?" The mech asked with a snake like speech walking closer to her.

"Because you don't know what your getting yourself into.." she hissed

The slim mech chuckled before taking a step closer causing the femme to make a loud short whistle(kinda how you could whistle to get someone's attention) There was silence for a few seconds before they all started hearing shifting and transforming, they looked around until seeing the ship the femme had been carried in on was moving and transforming.

They watched while a cloud of dust that you couldn't see through had formed around the ship.

They all stepped back a step watching in the direction of where the ship was, a giant shadowy figure of a dragon like being was seen behind the cloud of dust as it began the clear. Everyone looked in shock when they heard a deep blood curtailing roar come from the dust cloud. The desepticons retreated before fully seeing the sight of the beast, it was a large dragon like creature called the a voskiscon(vos-KISS-con) a large ancient being made from the heart of the creator as a gift for those who were worthy, the beautiful beast was coated in nebula like designs with pure black scales with faded blue optics, it was on 2 wings 2 legs stretching its neck and wings high in a proud stance. The wing span was huge. The auto-Bots looking in astonishment at the large dragon was a whole lot bigger then predaking would soon become. They then looking at each other confused whispering to one another and sorta scared of the being.

"A voskiscon, I thought they were extinct" Optimus mumbled to himself staring at the beast.

The beast lowered its head to the be level with Solarflare and she gave the beast a pet on the head, the beast made a deep purring sound from the back of its throat during the pets still keeping an optic on the other bots that were looking at it weirdly.

"The decepticons left, and there's a giant predacon looking thing infront of us, so what now, wait I thought predacons were extinct?"bumblebee beeped then looked up at Optimus.

"This is my partner nebula an ancient voskiscon not a predacon" Solarflare said feeling hatred thinking about predacons.

Optimus thought for a moment thinking that he knew that name from somewhere but he couldn't pin point it so he dismissed it for now.

"Well would you like to join us on team prime solarflare?" Optimus asked

"You're just going to invite her in just like that?! She has a giant creature that could kill us all!" Arcee said with a slight angry tone.

"Well she has proven she isn't a threat but we will keep an eye on her for now" Optimus replied

Arcee grumbled before looking et the giant creature like the others.

Solar saw they others looking at nebula with scared and curious faces, she chuckled at them.

"You may come meet her if you would like she is only protective if she needs to be." Solarflare said gesturing to nebula

They were very hesitant to trust both Solarflare and nebula but they all even Arcee decided to walk near the large beast out of curiosity. But Solarflare urged them to come meet the her by having her lower her head all the way to ground. There was a lot of purring and talking now that they could talk to Solarflare.

One chapter is finally done I feel so proud of my self tell me if you have any feed back about it it would help a lot and I will be showing the characters in the next chapter hopefully:) hope you enjoyed.

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