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No ones POV

Naruto jumped in excitment as he saw His cousin, Karin Uzumaki! "Karin!" naruto yelled as he ran up to her. "Wow you look more shocked by me than being hokage." Karin said chuckling. "Oh and wassup sasuke" karin said with a wave. Sasuke "hn'ed" back and slightly waved. "Hey auntie!" Boruto said . "Hey boru. Also who is that cutie right there" karin said talking about himawari. Naruto gasped as he realized that karin had not met himawari and sarada as she was framed as sakuras daughter. "Oh karin i forgot to tell you, That is himawari me and sasukes daughter along iwth sarada." naruto said proudly. Karin widen her eyes as she didnt realize she had 2 nieces that she never met.

"o-oh my  i feel so stupid not realizing my own nieces' karin siad sliightly tearing as she hugged both of them. "Its ok auntie karin! You didnt know anyways>" Himawari siad with a naruto looking smile on her face. Karin smiled as he saw the resemblance of them both. "Well to point out the elephant in the room, What are you doing here karin?" Naruto asked. "What do you think im here for? Im obviously here to see my little cousin become hokage! You think i would miss this?!" Karin stated with an "r you for real?" face. Naruto slightly sweat dropped at the obvious reason. "Though, now i have a new reason to visit" karin said as she indicated sarada and himawari. "You know im here too!" Boruto said with jealousy.

Sarada rolled her eyes as everyone else laughed. "It always is about you let someone else have the spotlight burrito!" Sarada said. "Oh shut it salad!" boruto replied. Everyone else watched as the 2 kids argued and called each other names. "Ok kids chill out we still have a ceromony to get to" sasuke sighed. Boruto and Sarada gave each other a quick mean glance and just faced away from  eachother. "Well come on guys help me get ready" naruto said. As they walked off naruto stopped. "Wait!" he said. "what is it?" sasuke asked. "I want some ramen1" naruto said with a smirk.

Everyone gave in a 😑 look. "ok ok i guess ill get it" karin said. Naruto gave a bright smile in return.  "ill do it but why do you need ramen like right now! Your about to give a speech!" Karin asked. Naruto gave her puppy dog eyes and karin sighed again. "Fine but i hope you know you owe me!" karin said as she started to walk off. Naruto yelled a thanks she started to walk furthur from them. AS karin was about to lrave she remembered. "WAIT NARUTO WHERE DO I GET IT" karin yelled. "GO TO ICHIRAKU'S RAMEN PLACE IS ABOUT 3 BLOCKS FROM MY OLD HOUSE" Naruto yelled back. Karin yelled an ok and continued walking to ichirakus.

As karin made it to ichirakus her feet started to hurt as she was exactly wearing her usual attire. I mean who would at their cousins ceromony. "What would you like to order?" one of the waiters asked. "Ill take a large miso ramen to go and a medium chicken ramen" "Is that also to go?" "No maam just the miso" "Ok that will be 18.56". DAMN karin thought as she just sighed and paid. (Naruto better thank me after this!) she thought. As she waited for her ramen she spotted someone next to her who looked like they were crying. "Uhm are you ok?" karin asked. The stranger looked up and wiped her tears.

"yes im fine thank you" the stranger said, her voice a little raspy. But that didnt matter because to karin she was absolutly beautiful. Her hair flowing in the wind. She eyes sliightly red but to karin that didnt matter "w-whats your name?" the stranger asked. "O-oh right sorry my name is Karin Uzumaki how about you". "A-as in the naruto?" she asked. "Yep he's my cousin." karin proudly stated. "Oh" was all she said. "so uh whats your name" karin asked as she looked into the strangers lavender eyes. "Im Hinata Hyuuga" the stranger said with a slight smile. "Well nice meet you, Hinata".

Sorry for the late update have a good day bye! 

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