The truth 2

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3rd person

"what they cant do that right!" boruto asked. "well back then they could since we technically broke the rules" naruto explained. "Neither wanted to admit it but the elders were right. Back then my bloodline and the survival of my clan was the most important thing to me and being hokage was narutos lifelong dream and we both had worked to hard for all our efforts to go to waste" said sasuke.

"So after that we left defeated and just kept out relationship even more down low. until they came to our house...

flashback time~

Naruto walked to the door as he heard a knock. As he opened the door his eyes widened as he saw the elders. haruno family, and the hyuuga family at their doorstep. "Hello Naruto seems we have a lot to talk about" the crusty dusty ass elder spoke. Naruto wanted to slam the door in their faces and never see them again but he had no choice so he simply said "come right in, make yourselves comfy" naruto said with a smile.

"Thank you naruto" said sakuras mother, Mebuki. "Of course my pleasure" naruto responded. As naruto were making small conversation with the guest and making then more comfortable, sasuke walked in with a *what the actual fuck* face. "Oh hello sasuke nice to see you here" the elder said with a cheeky grin.. Sasuke didnt say anything in return and just turned to naruto, earning a scoff from the haruno family. "Ugh what a brat i hope my beautiful daughter sakura isnt the one marrying that one" state Kizashi sakuras father. "Like im letting my daughter marry him" also argued hiashi, hinatas father.

"Ok calm down everyone i will sort out everything just be patient and wait for me to explain everything" said the elder. "Ok ok ok wait a minute what is going on who is getting married and what are all these people doin in my damn house" naruto said. "Well if you could let me explain you would understand everything" explained the elder.

After some time everyone got seated and calmed down as the elder stood up in front of everyone as if making a big announcement. "Ok now everyone ill get straight to the point. Today sasuke and naruto you both will be getting married.

"wait wait wait wait wait so your saying that those elders jsut walked in with aunty sakuras and moms- i mean hinatas parents and just put you guys in marriages against your wills?"  asked boruto. "Yes sadly that is the truth, now lets continue.

"What? who said we were getting married" asked naruto. "I did" said the elder proudly. Sasuke and naruto didnt even know what to say. Where they really that selfish that they would put them in un happy marriages against their will just to revive their clans? "Hey this isnt right, we dont even like either of them also i already told you im in love with sasuke. said naruto.

The other adults gasp to hear thoese words come out of narutos mouth." Naruto i thought i told you both to get out of this rebellious phase of yours and deal with the matters at hand!". Naruto was startled. He never really heard the elders yell before unless it was urgent. "Well isnt this for us to decide its out lives right" said sasuke who hasnt talked in a while. 

The elder groaned as his face turned red as he was about to blow. "Why cant you both see! You both have some of the most powerful clans there!" "well what if we dont care"said sasuke. "Sasuke i thought you would be smarter than this! I thought you would care more about your clans legacy than the 5 second pleasure you get from sticking your penis in that cum dumpster of yours"

There was silence for a split second before there was a loud thump.There stood the elder on the floor with blood dripping down his nose and he was knocked out cold. Then stood sasuke with his bloodied fist and his sharingan activated. Lastly there was naruto, who still was still trying to comprehend what was going on. As he was finally back to earth he looked down to see the elder. Then he realized, sasuke had hurt the elder.

HI still sick here but i was bored and decided to update sorry if the updates are getting shorter im really trying. Mna updating is overwhelming but bye

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