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12 reada already? damn well heres a new part after only 17 hours -_-

no ones pov 

There stood boruto still shook from this mornings events. He knew of the circumstances but he needed someone to talk to. He then went to Sarada. "Hey sarada can we talk for a second?" boruto asked. "Uh sure what is it that you need" sarada asked as they were both walking away from the crowd. "i have a question" boruto said "Boy, im getting impatient so just spit it out"Sarada spat out at him. " ok to get to the point can anyone who is not a uchiha get sharingan?" he said. "no". "Well can you explain to me why Himawari has sharingan" boruto said. 

"WHAT" sarada yelled. "shhh they might here you" boruto said. "look Hima is with dad trying to figure this all out. He went to talk with your dad about this but i feel like something is off." boruto said seriously. "Should we...maybe follow them? sarada asked.  "not that im questioning lord seventh but maybe we will get more answers than standing here looking stupid" sarada finished.


meanwhile with sasunaru and Hima~

"WHAT" Sasuke yelled in shock. ". "w-whats happening" Hima asked. nobody noticed but her sharingan was still on but wasn't as noticeable. sasuke sighed as he noticed. "Himawari you need to calm down, if you keep it on without proper training it could hurt you" sasuke said. Hima did what sasuke said and counted to ten to calm down.  "Ok Hima can you wait outside for one second?" naruto asked. Hims just nodded and went outside to see sarada and boruto with their ears to the door. Luckily they wernet noticed.

"Im guessing your hear to find out whats going on" Hima assumed. "Yes" they both said in unison. "Lets hear through the door" boruto said. "But hima how did you get sharingan? is lord seventh cheating on aunty hinata with an female uchiha". sarada asked. Boruto flared up at the statement. He wouldn't forgive the old man for cheating. "O-ok before we make any assumptions lets get the answers" Hima said hoping that isnt the situation.

"Naruto what do we do" sasuke asked with his hands running through his hair. " is there a way we can put everyone through a genjutsu like last time?" naruto asked. "Genjutsu?" boruto asked as he was face deep in the door. "shut it boruto i need to hear" sarada said".

"Look sasuke im scared for my kids, whats next boruto?" naruto said. "Look naruto im worried too Boruto and Hima are my kids as well, and i know we made a mistake when we were younger but we cant just keep lying. We had boruto and sarada as twins but when we had Hima we knew what was coming" sasuke said as his eyes softened. 

meanwhile behind the door~

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON" boruto whisper yelled. Sarada couldnt even speak she was too shocked to even think. *lord seventh is my....* she stood there trying to put the word ther. no matter how she put it, it didnt sound right. Boruto was raging, he loved sasuke as a father figure and would have never dreamt of sasuke being his father but he didnt mean this literally. As he thougt of sasuke being his father flashes of hinata flashed in his vision, He couldnt hold his tears back. It took everything he had to not open that door and confront them. "l-lets stay and hear more" Hima said dryly.

"Sasuke its not that easy. When we had boruto and sarada we were young and stupid in love ok, but we couldnt be together bacl then so what makes you thi-" naruto was cut off. "You still love me..." sasuke asked with his head down. "i didnt mean to-" "do you love me still naruto, be honest with me". sauske said seriously. "yes" naruto said with no other response. "so why cant we come out, do you care more abouy your reputation as hokage that you would live in a lie forever?" sasuke asked with rage.

'look sasuke this isnt easy for me when we were 21 and i was pregnant with boruto and sarada i prayed that everything was gonna be ok. You were exhausted having to put an genjutsu under all of konoha and you wer eout for a whole week. I was devastated when the elders told us to get brides to carry our clans, but what could we have done. I loved you deeply, but i loved myself more"

"but i cant lie anymore sasuke. I love you sasuke" naruto said with tears. "Then love me back" sasuke said as he leaned closer. Naruto gasped as sasuke took that opportunity to add tongue. They soon quickened the pace and were in a heated makeout. While this was happening out the door was some shook probably scarred kids. Boruto couldnt take it anymore and busted through the door with pure rage.

The couple was surprised to see the kids especially in there position at the moment. "U-uh wait its n-" naruto was cut off once again  by boruto. "WE HEARD EVERYTHING!!, NOW WE WANT THE TRUTH RIGHT NOW NO MORE LIES" Boruto yelled as tears streamed down his face."B-boruto" naruto croaked out with a heartbroken face. Naruto couldnt take it anymore and broke down right there. He fell to his knees as he sobbed. Everyone froze right there as the blondes mask finally broke.

YUH I DID THAT SHIT <:) I JUST WROTE THAT YUH I TOLD YALL I WOULD RIGHT MORE THAN LAST TIME . but ye 12 reada already its either yall luv me or love sausnaru...ITS ME RIGHT:) but yea bye i cant promise i will update like this again, like only a few hours after the last one i was just bored bye yea bye comment vote all that gud stuff 

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